No More Mr. Nice Guy

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New Chapter of his new toy, finished this at 2 am so forgive me if there are slight grammar problems wont be any new chapters for like a week or so because i travel back to London tomorrow and i start school the day after

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Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

No More Mr. Nice Guy

[Max's POV]

"He did what?!" Darren could not hold his whispering tone anymore.

"Mr. Matthews, do you mind?" Miss Carson crossed her arms and shot daggers at Darren

"No, sorry" Darren bent his head down once again to face me, whispering tone "You waited a week to tell me that?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know" all I could do was just shrug.

"I don't know isn't good enough" I shot him a puzzling look why was he getting so worked up about it.

"Look" I started "He didn't even do anything"

"Yeah, that's because his mom interrupted him" his fists were clenching hard and his Jaw flexing

"Darren, I don't know why you're getting so worked up about it. What are you even to Erick? He won't listen to you"

A shot of nervousness past Darren's eyes like he was hiding something from me


"Look it's nothing, me and Erick...we just know of each other, I'm sorry for getting worked up about it"  

He looked at me for sometime before continuing "Erick is such a dick"

"Who's a dick?" I sighed hoping he wouldn't say anything and I could pretend he wasn't there. Miss Carson let us pick our own seats for Maths we had benches going across the classrooms, only 3 per bench, with a narrow space going through the middle. We were at the back, Erick on the right, me in the middle and Darren on the left. Personally I wanted to sit with new people so I could make more friends but I was stupid to think that with those two in the classrooms.

"You are" Darren spat back across me to Erick

Erick dismissed his comment and continued "We know of each other?" Erick raised his eyebrow expectantly at Darren waiting for a response, he almost looked...hurt but I wasn't too sure heck I was confused by everything now.

"What is he talking about?" I was talking to Darren now "You guys don't know each other?" Okay now I was more confused, maybe I should keep my mouth shut...or not "Wait, I thought you said you guys were close on the first day we met?"

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now