I Can Wait

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New Chapter- i feel like this story is coming to its end not soon but it is drawing near

The end gets a little bit  you know *winks aggressively"

My mind went totally blank when it came to that bit but hopefully it isnt that bad *wipes sweat off forehead*

Oh yeah! its a happy chapter this one....

Dont forget to vote and comment and enjoy!

Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

I Can wait

[Erick’s POV]

“You’ve been avoiding me for two days now” it was Monday morning and he had reluctantly agreed to stay with me for the week since no one was going to be at his house

“No I haven’t” he stated, we were both in the living room, me on the couch and Max a comfortable distance away on the floor.

“Yes you have” I argued calmly. Every night I would wake up to Max screaming and every night he would push me away when I tried to comfort him. If he was in a room and I walked in he would walk out. He avoided eye contact with me and only spoke if he was spoken to- if that’s someone not avoiding you then I don’t know what is

“I’m talking to you now aren’t I?” he replied sighing sounding quite annoyed not bothering to take his eyes off the screen

“Max what the fu-“Our inevitable argument was interrupted by the doorbell. Opening the door it only turned out to be the postman

“Ashton Carter?” he asked with a package in his hand

 “He lives here but he’s not in” I stated

“Well do you live here?” the Hench guy asked

“Yeah, I’ll sign it” I took the pen and pad off him ready to sign

[Max’s POV]

Oh God this was it.

What I’ve been trying to avoid.

I turned quickly to see Erick still talking and signing whatever the postman was delivering. I stood up quickly sneaking upstairs, when he was out of view I ran the rest of the way into the guest room, quickly snagging my towel and running into the bathroom across from my room. I guess I could buy some more time by taking a shower and maybe he would forget about it

Erick said I could set up all my stuff in here since it was a spare bathroom. I found it humorous how big this house was. I turned on the shower and stripped, wrapping myself in my towel. Whilst I waited for the water to heat up I stared at giant mirror in front of me and stared at myself like I did each morning.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now