She was My Everything

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Ello ello sorry for the late upload-exams have been crazy- spent the whole of my sunday typing when i should of been revising for science and doing my maths homework. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll- Anyways hope you enjoy :3

All in Max's POV for some reason

Dont forget to vote comment and enjoy

Biscuit xxxx

His New Toy

She was My everything

[Max's POV]

We all sat in awkward silence around his kitchen table. Erick sat glaring dryly at the two people in front of him

Not taking his eyes of them he spoke

“When you said you were coming here...”

Turning now his eyes bored into mine “You never told me you were bringing guests”

“I'm sorry” I mumbled slightly embarrassed. How can someone be so indirectly rude towards people who are right in front of him.

Oh yes Erick can.

“I wanted you to meet my really good friends” I said facing away my face slightly heating up.

“You never told me you had any friends outside school” he stated crossing his arms

“Of course I have friends outside school Erick” Not many but I do “and besides you never asked”

He slumped further into his chair huffing like a 6 year old. He continued to glare at them.

I tried to change the atmosphere in the room by talking about the thing everybody loves talking about!

The weather!

“It's so hot outside” I breathed, wiping the imaginary sweat off my forehead “It's like what? 75 outside?”

“Does your mom know you're here?” Erick questioned completely ignoring what I said

“No” I answered sheepishly “She think I'm with them” I gestured towards the girls. Erick told me about my mom's warnings, so now we would have to meet in secret.

“Oh that's good” he smiled at me “Why are they still here though? I'm I supposed to pay them?”

“No!” they said in union

“We know everything!” Trinity half yelled “So there's no point kicking us out or getting rude”

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