Thrown Away

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New Chapter of His New Toy hope you like :D

My New cover-------------------> i love it :3 credit goes to call-me-bell

This literally took me forever to write goshhhhhh

nothing happy in this chapter unfortunately

and ooh a new main character we'll be seeing things from their POV in the next chapter and a new relationship forms

if there is any grammar mistakes i apologise, its 4:24am now

Please vote fan comment and enjoy

Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

Thrown Away

[Max’s POV]

I really didn’t want to go to school today; it’s been a week since the incident in the Nurse’s office and Erick’s been ignoring me as if I didn’t even existed.

It’s almost as if…I’ve been thrown away.

 In Maths even though he sits next to me when we have to get into pairs he will get up and look for one and I end up working alone because Darren still hasn’t come into school, I called him and he’s got bad stomach pains, I still haven’t seen him which is just awful of me but I’m going to today.

He doesn’t know what happened between me and Erick; I couldn’t tell him because I knew I would just break down again, like a loser.

I got into the hot shower looking at the fresh bruises I’ve received since coming to this high school, not a lot which I was happy about; the hickey had finally gone, thank God, that was the cause of all my problems

But it’s not really a problem is it? Isn’t this what you wanted from the start? For Erick to leave you alone and stay the hell away from you? As I thought about it a painful feeling of hurt washed over me.

I missed him. Well maybe not what he did to me but his company I guess. I missed how he tried to make an effort to be nice to me which will always confuse me because he was nice to everyone, except me. The way he looked at me always made me feel wanted. I must be truly crazy.


Parking my car I walked towards the school building, ever since Erick left me alone I’ve made three more guy friends. When I told my mum she actually did burst into tears. They’re really friendly too; I didn’t know people could be so nice. One of them, Mason, invited me to his sleepover, I told Darren about it but he said I shouldn’t go since the sleepover was only going to be me and Mason, I think Darren’s just jealous because he didn’t get invited, but I respect his opinions so I didn’t go.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now