Erick Carter?

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Biscuit xxx

His New toy

Erick Carter?

[Erick’s POV]

“So what did you spend the school money on?” my dad asked as he ate the last of his dinner

“I used it to upgrade the Nurse’s office and the Library”

My dad nodded his head with approval as he finished chewing his food “Wow I thought you would have spent it on the gym or football fields or something along those lines”

“Well the school needed the money somewhere else” Darren was right about the nurse’s office, it hadn’t been done once and with the money left over I used it to spend it on the place I know Max goes a lot. I'm so wet.

“You know what son? I’m really proud of you this time around” My dad patted me on the back and smiled, he wasn’t really a man of affection so I was extremely grateful for whatever he did show. My mom smiled at the two of us before getting up to clear the dishes away

I shrugged my shoulders as I smiled back at my Dad, we didn’t really get on all the time and he was hardly around due to all his work

“Its true son, I haven’t had any phone calls from anyone about your behaviour for like the past 3 to 4 months”

“Thanks Dad, I guess you can say my mind has been preoccupied on something”

My dad laughed but before my dad could respond there was a loud knock on the door

“I’ll get it” I got up and quickly jogged towards the door, opening it

Two uniformed police men were standing outside, a really tall one and then an average height one both with aggressive looks on their faces

“Uh…can I help you officers?”

“Erick Carter?” The taller one asked

“Yeah?” I asked puzzled

He quickly grabbed my arms and swivelled me around, handcuffing me “You’re under arrest for the assault and attempted murder of Christopher Hayes”

“WHAT THE FUCK?! ATTEMPTED MURDER?! I ONLY PUNCHED THAT BITCH ONCE!” I struggled as they dragged me out of their house and to their car

The tall man ignored my bantering and continued blankly as if he has done this 100 times already

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you by the state”

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now