Well, Darren will you help me?

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New update i wont be uploading till Christmas so enjoy :D

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And Awesome banner on the side was done by PerfectlyTeddy --------------------->

Biscuit XXX

His New Toy

Well, Darren will you help me?

[Max’s POV]

“Come on” he whined

“No” I shot back quickly, putting him in his place “I'm not following you anywhere” I continued placing my books in my newly bought bookshelf I smiled happily to myself. It was dark brown with a beautiful unnatural sheen; it came with two glass panel doors, framed with the same solid oak, with my full name etched at the bottom in fancy italic writing. All I asked for was a standard bookcase but this was something beyond imagination. I begged Erick for 3 weeks straight to take it back that it was too expensive but he insisted that it cost no more than a couple hundred dollars so in the end I gave up and kept it. I loved it and it showed

Erick threw himself on my bed “I said you could have anything you’ve ever wanted for Christmas and you ask for this” he pointed disgustedly at the floor length bookcase sticking his tongue out dramatically.

I smiled softly at him “I needed somewhere to put all my books, you offered to buy me a Christmas present, so why not?”

He shrugged “I don’t know most people would have asked for Plasma or a Jacuzzi or a Tiger I don’t know, but this bookcase cost more than enough so I guess that makes up for it”

I stared at him bewildered and pointed at my bookcase “You lied to me! How much did it cost?” I thought it only cost a couple hundred 300 max.

“Whoops…Uhm let’s see” he looked up before landing his gaze back at me “$950,000” I dropped the Charles Dickens novel on the floor

“$950,000! Erick! Why would you buy me a $950,000 bookcase!? “

“You wanted a bookcase, so I got you one, I don’t see the big deal.”

“But I do” I sighed taking a seat next to him “You have to take it back”

“Max?” I looked at him frowning “Do you like the bookcase?”

I thought about it for while there was no point lying “Yes”

“Then I want you to have it” he smiled triumphantly and ruffled my hair,

“But what I’m I supposed to give you?”

“You know what I want” he whispered quietly holding his strong gaze on me as he gently stroked my cheek

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now