Was There Even A Point Of Me Trying To Be Nice To You?

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No Darren in this chapter just mostly Erick and Max

Another thing, 3 major changes and i can promise you, it'll be the last. Max's surname is now Evans i think it flows better than Hastings and Hastings is too feminine and Max is already soft enough, the other thing is Erick's eyes are now green, with Darren's being brown. i didn't like the idea of Erick and Max looking too much alike with the blue eyes and brown hair.

 Please Vote comment fan and enjoy

Biscuit xxxx


 His New Toy


Was there even a point of me trying to be nice to you?!


 [Max's POV]

"Oh God, what I'm I going to do?" I muttered to myself, it seemed to turn a deeper shade of purple every time I looked at it and it stood out so much against my pale skin. I shouldn't be bothered about it, it would go in a few days but I could imagine Erick's face when he saw it, what I couldn't imagine is what he would do to me, I shuddered at the thought.

I stepped out of my bathroom and paced up and down my bedroom, maybe I should brainstorm ideas? "Make-up?" I mumbled to myself, my sister doesn't use any and my mom isn't as pale as me. Sighing, I ransacked my brain for more ideas...nothing.

I groaned in despair and punched the wall in frustration "Ow!!" I whimpered as I put my fist in my mouth.

"The hell is going on?" Maddie walked in, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

"I hurt myself" I slumped to the ground, closing my eyes so I wouldn't cry.


"I punched the wall" I mumbled

"Max look at me" I opened my eyes to look at her only to feel my face flying in the opposite direction, now I was crying

"What was that for?!"

"You're a 17 year old boy, grow some!"

"Go away mean person! I thought you loved me" I had to admit to myself I was acting like a child now but she started it.

"It's called tough love. You're a crying attention seeker" I didn't even know what her problem was today; I think she was looking for someone to aim her grumpiness at.

"How am I attention seeking, you're the one who came into the room and slapped me!"

She opened her mouth and closed it shut again before nodding her head in agreement "true"

"Meany" I stuck my tongue at her before sucking on my bleeding fist, Maddie flinched I could tell she wanted to slap me again, I think I'm the only kid my age who could openly say they let their 10 year old sister beat them.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now