I Knew You Would Come Back

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His new toy

I knew you would come back

“So he tricked you to get into the bathroom?”

“Yeah” I muttered softly as I as I gazed out of Chris’ car window

“Wow…he went through all of that, just so he could talk to you?”

“Yep” I haven’t seen Chris in over 2 weeks since we live far away each other but he calls me literally everyday and we end up talking for hours, today he’s taking me to the movies.

“Shame he didn’t get the chance” I glanced over to Chris who was concentrating on where he was driving to but he had a satisfied smirk on his face

Looking back to the window I sighed “Yeah the janitor came just in time, he was pretty pissed that he put the put the out of order sign on the door”

“Well good because all Erick would have done is spread lies into your head”

“Mmm” I mumbled “He seemed so desperate” if the janitor didn’t interrupt us I wondered what he would have said

“You alright?” I turned to Chris who was staring at me concernedly

“Yeah I'm fine, are we almost there yet?” I shot him a small smile with him returning one, he looked back to where he was going as continued to drive

“Yeah we’re here”

We arrived at the movies just in time. As we stepped out of the car we walked towards the building. Looking at Chris I had to admit that he looked really good, he was wearing dark blue jeans and a white shirt that fitted perfectly on him showing his toned muscles.

“So excited about your first sleepover?” he teasingly asked, I blushed slightly as I rolled my eyes at him. My parents had gone off on one of their trips, I don’t even know where they went this time but they were going to be gone for the weekend and come back on Tuesday evening, Madeline decided to stay over at her friend’s house and Chris suggested I stay at his

I smiled weakly “Yeah”

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah” I nodded quickly, I was just in deep thought

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now