A New Friend

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Sorry for the boring chapter, i even felt bored writing this but this is just a filler--next chapter things get...weird shall we say

Next upload will be at the weekend thats how much i want to get this chapter out of the way

so please vote commetn fan and enoy

biscuit xxx

His new Toy

A New Friend

[Darren’s POV]

“You look like shit.”

“Thank you Erick, nice to see you too”

“You look worse than shit.”

“I get it. Shit face.” I sighed in annoyance as Erick and I walked down the corridor to get to maths

“You’ve been gone for another week I thought you were coming in on the next day after me and uh…Max visited?”

“I got worse.”

“I see…”        

There was an awkward silence in the air, me and Erick made up sometime during the week but Max has been ignoring my calls and everything.

“So…” I started “You’ve seen uh…Max around lately?”

“Well…he goes to school here so I would be seeing him around from time to time”

“Oh…you guys cool yet?”

“Not really, you?”

“Not even close”

Another wave of awkward silence “So…have you heard about today’s weather?” I guess Erick could feel the awkwardness too but seriously the weather?


“Well apparently, there’s going to be heavy rain for the next few weeks”


“Yep” I laughed out loud, with Erick shooting me evil glares but it wasn’t long before he started laughing with me quickly ending the awkwardness.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now