I'm Sorry

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very short Chapter another one coming later today please vote comment or fan if i should continue



I'm sorry

[Erick's POV]

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I heard my mom banging on the door "Erick, the door is locked I know you're in there" I was still pinning Max to the bed; he didn't move but he looked scared.

"Err yeah, hold on I fell asleep"

"Okay Hun, well when you've gotten yourself together come downstairs, dinner will be ready in half an hour "

"Okay mom" her footsteps started to walk away and I breathed a sigh of relief

I got up off Max and went towards my shirt and pulled it over my head, Max got up and faced the wall, I stared at him confusion

"Aw...hell Max" he was wiping his eyes "Are you crying?"

"No" he was sniffling now "Aw Max" I walked up to him and turned him around so he was facing me, he was crying, I made him cry again! Looks like I won't be sleeping for another night.

"If you're mom didn't stop you, you would have done it" he was crying heavily now but his hands were over his eyes, if the circumstances were different I would have been laughing because this was adorable.

"Max, please stop crying" I ran my fingers frantically through my hair; I didn't know what to do. I put my hand on his head but he was still crying, it was like someone threw a baby at me. What would a parent do "Max do you want a lollipop?"

He didn't answer me, why would he...that was stupid. I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his waist, was I doing this right? I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his bare back; I think I saw my aunty doing this once when her baby was crying. "I'm sorry Max; my curiosity got the better of me" I grabbed his chin and made him look at me "I will never force you to have sex with me" I smirked at him "I'll wait for you to ask me"

He pushed me away and gave me a disgusted look "who said I was ever going to ask you? I'm just waiting until you get bored with me and throw me away, so I can get on with my life" I sighed and threw him his shirt. I've only known this kid for less than 48 hours and he's already got me apologizing, flustered, excited and nervous, I don't think I was going to get bored of him anytime soon.

"Erick?" I looked at him, he was fully clothed now

"Yeah?" I walked towards to door waiting for him to speak before I opened it

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I thought about his question, to be honest I was quite surprised; most people would say I was a nice person.

"Because I'm a nice person"

"So it's just me then" he seemed a little upset by this

"Yeah I guess so" I mumbled, I've never taken it this far with any guy just a little bit of fun teasing; I guess I was just bored. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" I started to feel hopeful, him just being in my presence made feel happy.

He sighed "Erick just take me home"

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