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Hey sorry for the long wait! Kinda had a few problems with this chapter, I would start and then stop seconds later. It got to a point where I just wanted to delete this whole story >.< LOL but I won't do that! Even though I had my problems I'm more than satisfied with the way this chapter went so Enjoy!

BTW - I dedicatated this chapter this to Absynthe because she was like No Biscuit you can't give up! Eye of the Tiger and all this motivational ish and that just gave me the will to finish this chapter! so you better enjoy this one extra extra much! Next Chapter will get steamy *Waggles eyebrows* also might get a little sad though :( ah well

Dont forget to comment and vote :D


His New Toy


[Max's POV]

“Welcome to NICE” I mumbled the sign of the brightly coloured sign on the pristine iron gates “The National mental Institution for Clinical Excellence”

We pulled into the fancy car park the security guard quickly shutting the iron gates behind us. Once finding a spot to park the three of us climbed out examining the enormous building in front of us. It was a beautiful white and blue themed building with magnificent water fountains, paths and trees. As we walked closer towards the building I took note of the streams that ran past the paths it contained the tiniest Koi fish.

“This is where that son-of-a bitch is staying?” Erick glared at the building “It's a fucking 5 star Hotel!”

“I know you're angry son but you need to calm down” my dad nodded at Erick patting his back “What's been done has been done and don't you worry he'll get what's coming”

Erick nodded and sighed “You're right, thanks Mr. Evans”

My dad smiled “Call me Sam”

we walked inside the building where a security guard met us

Visiting?” he asked politely

“Yeah” my dad answered. The balding security guard took out a clip board


“Sam and Max Evans and Erick Carter” my dad stated coolly. The security smiled and nodded running his pen down vertically down his clipboard before finally stopping

“Ah there you are and you are visiting...” he ran his pen horizontally across “One Mr Christopher Hayes?”

My dad smiled gritting his teeth “Yes...him”

The security guard nodded awkwardly “Okay well first, you're going to have to put all cell phones, cash, valuables, anything metal and anything that could cause harm in the trays provided on your left then you'll need to walk through the metal detectors once you've been cleared you'll need to wait in the holding area and someone will escort you to the visiting area.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now