Leave Him Alone

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Max's POV]

When I got home I expected my mom to be over me like a drug dog but when I got to the front door there was a note on the door, she and my dad had gone out for a meal and were planning to stay at a hotel for two nights; very random I know, they say spontaneous actions like these keep their marriage alive. The only person at home was my sister. Her back was turned to me as she was watching T.V in the living room I just wanted to go to my room and sleep.

"Hey Sis" I tried to keep my voice from breaking, as I walked towards the stairs

"What's the matter with you?" I looked at her she didn't even turn around

"Nothing" I mumbled and ran up to my room, my sister was scary good at reading a person, she was way beyond her years, she's just as cute but no-one fawns over her because well...she'll break your face in. 

I sighed once I got to my room and sat on the floor and leant my head against the wall, my head hurt and my face felt like it was on fire, I can imagine the mother of all bruises making an appearance tomorrow. I felt myself drifting to sleep when there was a soft knock on the door

"Come in?" My sister stood by the door and sat down with her arms wide open

"Come here" I didn't bother getting up I crawled towards her and cried in her arms, there are simply no words for me, I am beyond pathetic.

"Tell me, what happened" how she always knew when something was wrong with me scared me, my parents never noticed unless it was something physical. Most kids my age would find their younger siblings annoying but I adored mine, she was the only person that understood me and what I went through but unlike me she doesn't take any BS and it's not that weird to see a really cute girl.

"Just some guy who won't leave me alone" I mumbled not really in the mood to talk. 

She sighed "I see you're not in the mood to talk" 

You see that? Scary.

"But seriously Max there must be more to it if you're crying, when you want to talk come to me, but you shouldn't be taking this from anyone, you understand?" 

I nodded.

"Good...one of these days I'm going to come to your school and knock some lights out" I smiled sadly, even though she was half my size I still believe she could do it. I loved this girl so much. 

"Thanks Maddie"

"S'ok" Madeline held me tighter in her arms

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