A Fresh Start

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Hey guys had this written up about two days ago I completely forgot to upload

Dont forget to vote comment and fan

Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

A Fresh Start

[Erick’s POV]

“Sir?” I woke up to a nurse shaking my shoulders gently “I’m so sorry for your loss” I looked at the young nurse in bewilderment

“What did you say?” I sat up in my seat properly

“He died sir, your friend about half an hour ago” she whispered

“No…I just I-I was just in his room he was fine” my heart beating in hysterics Max couldn’t be dead, I ran my fingers desperately through my hair, I only left the room to get a coffee from the canteen and I fell asleep outside Max’s room  “How?” I asked tears running down my face

“I'm so sorry” she sighed flipping through her clipboard papers “Yep Maxwell Peters, 17 heart failure”

“Oh God” I fell to the ground and she held onto me after about 5 minutes of uncontrollable crying I just froze and pushed the lady away from “Wait what the fuck did you just say?”

She was taken aback by my choice of words but she answered anyway “M-Maxwell Peters sir died of heart failure”

“You’ve got the wrong Max you stupid woman” she bit her lip embarrassed “His name is Evans”

“Oh God” she covered her mouth “I am so sorry sir”

I scowled at her causing her to step back slightly “What’s your name?”

Tucking nervously a strand of blond hair behind her ear she responded “Maria”

“Right…Maria” I stared at her attentively watching her every move,

 “I am so sorry sir” she piped “Please don’t tell my supervisor I'm new”

I took a step closer to her smiling “its okay everyone makes mistakes right?” she nodded half smiling “But normal people don’t do shit like that you imbecilic woman” I half growled causing her eyes to water “I have never met such a retarded, dim-witted nurse like yourself” I closed my eyes rubbing my temples “I’m sorry how did you even get hired here? Fuck the supervisor?”

“Look sir, I understand I made a mistake but you have no right to harass me like this, I will call security and my Supervisor”

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now