You think this changes anything?!

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:D Had the urge to just spontaneously write and upload but I probably wont be uploading this quickly since I have exams to revise for :'(but hopefully you'll enjoy this

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Biscuit xxx

[Erick’s POV]

I completely dismissed Darren’s warning; I don’t like being taken for an idiot. Someone was going to do explaining even if I was going to beat it out of him.

I drove until I arrived at Max’s house and banged furiously at his door, after a couple of minutes he opened up, he looked worse than when I last saw him, the doctor did say there would be a couple of side effects. But I didn’t let this make me feel sorry for him.

“Erick?” his voice was in a whispered tone he tried smiling but he soon realised that I wasn’t here for a friendly visit.

As I took more and more demanding steps towards the frail boy, I tried to suppress my thoughts, the ones that lusted so badly after him. I sighed internally, he was so unfair, he did things to me he had no clue about but I ignored all of that as best as I could and let all the anger and frustration I had been keeping under wraps, thinking about the ways he lied and took advantage. He was begging for mercy with his eyes but he wasn’t going to be in for an easy night.

Before I could even begin, I kissed him but I regretted it the minute I did it because it wasn’t enough, I just put myself through that unnecessary pain

“You’re in for so much trouble tonight”

He gulped slightly and took an intake of breath “You need to stop doing that”

I smirked “What? Kiss you?”

“Yes” he looked pissed off but he didn’t look at me

I bent down so I was levelled with his ear “I can do whatever like whenever I damn please”  he didn’t respond, I guess he got the message. Straightening myself I watched him, he showed no emotion as he fixed his eyes on the ground “You know Max, I'm so disappointed in you”

He didn’t say anything, instead he stared up intently at me, his blue eyes boring deep into me, he looked at me remorsefully but still nothing. I crossed my arms expectantly at him, looking at him as furiously as I did before but still nothing. I sighed becoming impatient, by now he should have been begging for me to spare him and I would have knocked some sense into him.

I hope he didn’t keep this up.

“Well, aren’t you going to say something?” he shook his head slowly not once breaking eye contact with me; I slammed my fist against the wall by his head making him flinch. I was quickly overwhelmed by sudden guilt,

What was happening to me? 

You’re becoming weak, Erick

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