What have I just done?

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Hi everyone :) I have to say once i started writing i couldn't stop. This chapter doesn't get as 'steamy' as i pre planned but it wouldn't have made sense if it did, I'm saving that moment for the last chapter which is either the next the chapter or the one after :'(

YEP I SAID IT! THE NEXT CHAPTER COULD BE THE LAST CHAPTER! *cries* it depends really on how long it goes. You probably won't like this chapter but I had fun ^.^ I do love hearing your comments so make sure you do that!

Vote and Enjoy!

Biscuit xxxx

[Max's POV]

Knocking on the door nervously I waited. There was a lot of shouting and laughter coming from inside I wondered what was going on and just exactly who was I going to meet?

It can't be his parents, I've already met the both of them...maybe a close friend?

The door swung open and a pair of familiar green eyes met mine.

I stared in awe it was an Erick! But a older looking version. This one had a low hair cut and was completely clean cut. He was so tall as well, definitely taller than Erick.

“Hello, you must be Max right?” non bearded Erick asked, excitement and humour in his eyes.

The door opened wider, where another pair of familiar green eyes met mine. It was another Erick but even older and taller! This one had a shaven beard that went around his mouth

“And he calls me the baby fondler!” Bearded Erick half screamed staring me down

“W-what?” I asked dazed

“Oh nothing” non bearded Erick smiled nudging his brother “You wanna come in?”

I stepped in not taking my eyes off them, the resemblance was so freaking uncanny I was getting fearful.

We all watched each other intently. I noticed that bearded Erick let his hair run free like my Erick.

I laughed internally at the thought. My Erick

“I somehow pictured you...different” I was snapped out of my thoughts and turned to non bearded Erick.

“What?” I asked kinda confused

“Yeah, I pictured you...taller”

Bearded Erick, smack non bearded Erick's arm sniggering.

“Dude!” he smiled. Jesus they even had the same smirk

Non bearded Erick smiled at me “I'm sorry, no offence?”

I shook my head “No”

“Cool, well Erick's going to be down soon, he's like taking a shower”

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