Last Chances

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Ok so you know how I said this could be the last chapter?

Well this DEFINITELY isn't it Lol...

I've already wriiten out the last chapter which is pretty...


;) You'll guys will find out when I release it *Evil chortle"

For now Vote Comment and Enjoy

Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

Last Chances

[Max's POV]

“You're not trying hard enough!”

I wined slamming my face back into her pillow “I am! I've been trying since day one!”

“You've called?”

“Yes” I muffled into the pillow

“You've gone round to his house?”

“Yes” I stated again, “He rejects my calls, ignores my texts, I cant leave anymore messages and when I go to his house he doesn't open his door or he slams it in my face” lifting my head up I scratched it warily. They both grimaced at my face like they have been doing everytime they saw me.

“You actually need to get some sleep Max or those bags and black circles won't go away”

“I don't care”

Serenity shook her head lightly, looking disappointed

“What?” I asked pouting

“It's just sad that it had to get this far before you realised”


Trinity who was working on her laptop suddenly stopped and turn around on her swivel chair “Don't let me put my foot in your mouth”

I sighed lying back down again, my eyes closed. “I love him”

“yes you do” Serenity replied

“It's about time you realised” Trinity continued “I mean we knew before you did”

I felt the tears escape my closed lids. I put my hands over my face as I sobbed into my hands “He hates me now”

“Come on Max don't cry again” Serenity cooed as she climbed onto the bed and lay next to me, wrapping her arms around my head. I felt another pair of arms wrap around my waist obviously Trinity.

“Have you tried speaking to him in school?” Trinity asked

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now