Chapter 2- HoggyWarts

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Piper's POV

After about 5 minutes of unspoken silence Jason was the first to speak.

"Uh Chiron, that makes absolutely no sense."

Chiron chuckled, "I suppose I should explain. There is a school in London called Hogwarts. It is a school that teaches young wizards and witches magic."

All of us gasped. 

"Uhh what kind of name is Hogwarts?" Percy said and burst out laughing. 

"Gods Percy your so immature!" Annabeth said as she rolled her eyes

"Wait," I said "How can mortals use magic?"

Chiron shuffled his feet "A long time ago Hecate blessed a small group of mortals, witch granted them to do magic and I guess they ended up passing there magic on to there daughters and sons who passed it on to there daughters and sons and so on and so on."

I picked at my nails when I was nervous. "What do we even do?'

"You all will be going under cover as American exchange students in there 7th year of school. As the prophecy states you will protect the school from evils claws. Eventually you will reveal yourselves to them but for a while you will act JUST like them. DO NOT expose yourselves."

"But when do we know when to reveal ourselves?" Frank said.

Chiron laughed to himself. "You'll know when the time is right. The teachers and Head Master know who you are but no one else."

Leave it to Leo to break the tension. "Oh ya! School for magic! When do we leave?"

Chiron looked at his watch. "In one hour so go pack."

We all got up to leave but Chiron stopped us. "I forgot to mention, Hecate has blessed you guys so you are able to do magic with ease, also you cannot be harmed by any of there spells and the potions and such have absolutely no effect on you."

With that we left to pack.

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