Chapter 21- Planning

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Ok so this is the new character I'm adding in.

Rose Addison


Daughter of Athena

It's her 5th year in camp and she's 15 so she arrived at camp when she was 10

She's as short as Leo and has long sandy blond hair with blue and purple streaks in her hair.

No powers but is hella good with a sword

Her and Piper butt heads because she used to have a crush on Jason


Rose Addisons POV

Chiron gathered up both camps and used some sort of spell and transported us to Hogwarts.

We got there and I jumped into Annabeths arms. Since you see Annabeth is my half- sister and I was very close to her.

I turned and gave everyone else a hug even Jason (I had a crush on him back then and now Piper and I butt heads about it)

"I missed you guys so much!" I said

"I missed you to Rose!" Annabeth said

"Sup shorty" Leo said joking as usual.

"I wouldn't be the one to talk Leo! We're practically the same height!" I smiled

"Yea yea whatever" he just roles his eyes.

"cmon Annabeth" Percy said as he led us into the great hall.

Leo said they usually had 4 tables  in there but due to two camps coming they cleared out the tables.

Chiron sat the camps down and went up and hugged Albus.

I was thoroughly shocked.

"Albus shushed everyone and motioned to Percy to begin"

"Khlone has proclaimed war on us all and I need your help to defeat her. She will have both Greek monsters and Wizards so fight only who or what your comfortable with! The spells may hurt some of you I don't really know, but careful of the monsters. They will tear you to shreds. Now the monsters arn't  very smart so if you're in trouble try to stall until one of us can help. Wizards, we have extra weapons if you want one. Now, for your safety I ask only 5th years and up fight. The rest either hide in the room of requirement, or stay back with our best healers and help the sick. If your sick or hurt come to the great hall as soon as possible, if you cannot move, get someone to help you. Campers, any of you may fight, but I'm not making you. This goes for all of you, only fight if you want to." Everyone just looked up at Percy and nodded.

"now, here's the plan"


We all got into formation ready to attack. Half of the Apollo cabin stayed back to help the wounded, half, along with the hunters of Artemis that showed up took position at the top of the castle. There they could shoot down the flying wizards and monsters and anyone climbing the wall or getting to close to the castle. The Ares and Demeter cabin are situated right at the front of the castle, The Hestiea cabin is behind the school. All the other cabins are scattered. Leo was in the center of it all providing body heat to keep us all from freezing.

I saw a dark cloud and felt a chill go through the air and hoped Leo could keep us all from freezing to death.

And the monsters swooped in.


Yea sorry this chapter royally sucks but I had to post something. I've been caught up in watching Supernatural lately. I'm kinda hooked on that show and it's been distracting me from the book that is by the way ALMOST FINISHED!!

I estimate about 4 more chapters.

This is quite the accomplishment really.

But thanks so much! (DESTIEL AND SABRIEL FOR LIFE!!!) 😊

Eat blue cookies!


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