Chapter 23- Frank?

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A/N so I kept switching from 1st to 3rd POV last chapter and I'm to lazy to fix it

3rd person POV

Annabeth bolted through the woods determined to free her poor kids.

She wondered who this "servant" was.

Finally she crashed through a final bush and fell face first on the grass.

Pouncing up, she readied herself for an attack only to be met by nothing at first.

Poing Annabeth snapped her had to the left only to be met by an arrow not 2mm from her face.

She sucked in a breath and turned to see the attacker, only to be met by a cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" Annabeth wondered out loud, earning only a chuckle from the cloaked figure.

The cloaked figure reached up and threw his hood off to show the face of..

"Frank?" Annabeth asked cocking her head to the side.

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" He screamed "YOU TOOK Hazel from me" he said in almost a whisper.

"You think I wanted her to die?" Annabeth said "I loved her like a sister"

"But YOUR kid go hurt and Hazel had to clean up your mess!" He said notching a arrow, "and now your gonna pay" he fired.

Annabeth attempted to dodged the arrow but it grazed her arm, drawing blood.

She cried out in pain but stood her ground. "FRANK!" She yelled "Hazel wouldn't want this! Darkness is clouding your judgment!" She said, desperate for her to stop.

He paused for a moment before notching another arrow "NO! I never liked you Annabeth! You where always intimidating and scary and you always thought your where the boss of everyone!"

"Frank, you're not thinking strait! Don't make me do this!"

He just laughed "you wouldn't have the guts!"

He then whistled and a hellhound walked out, dragging a squirming sack with it.

"Dump em in the field" Frank said.

The hellhound followed his directions then walked away.

The sack was tossed off whatever was underneath, revealing....

"SELINA! LUKE!" Annabeth said

Her kids looked up, barley concise "mama?" Luke said

Annabeth noticed Luke's swollen eye and Selina's leg was twisted at an odd angle.

"Oh my poor babies!" Annabeth said, tears streaming down her face.

"YOU MONSTER" she screamed at Frank, as he just sneered and pointed his bow at her kids, ready to aim.

At that moment, it felt like Kronos was controlling time.

Frank aimed his bow, and Annabeths motherly instincts kicked in to action.

She gripped the hilt of her knife and did the only thing she could think.

She threw it.

Smack! The blade hit the scented of Frank's chest.

He stood there shocked, glanced down at the knife sticking out of his chest, and collapsed.

"Luke Selina! Annabeth said running towards them, engulfing them in a hug.

"Oh my poor babies! My poor poor babies!"

She glanced up at the body lying next to her.

There was Frank, covered in blood.

Had saving the world together not mean anything to him? And what about Hazel? What would she think.

Suddenly, she noticed Frank barley breathing, whispering.

Annabeth leaned closer to hear


I'll see you soon Hazel

And with that, Frank took one more breath, and died.

********time skip cuz I can*********

Annabeth, Selina, and Luke walked back across the battlefield, taking it all in.

Dead demigods, and Wizards lay around them, more than they could count.

A silent tear slid down Annabeths face, as she released they all died, because of her.


But I have only the epilogue left to wright, then this book shall come to a close!

Eat blue cookies!


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