Chapter 15- Babys coming

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Jason's POV

It was 4 days after the wedding when Percy and Annabeth IMed in the middle of dinner.

The air shimmered and I looked up and there was Percy and Annabeth staring at me.

"hey you lovebirds! How you doing?" Leo said giving them a wink.

"Uh guys, Annabeth is pregnant!" Percy said with a panicked look in his eyes.

By that time the whole hall was quiet listening.

"WHAT!?" Hazel screamed then passed out.

"Is she ok?" I asked Frank and he just nodded.

"Aaand I'm due in one week..." Annabeth said and this time it was my turn to scream "WHAT!?"

"Yea so apparently demigod baby's grow super fast if both parents are demigods... Like a week fast" Percy said.

"do you guys need us there?" Piper said.

"No no we just thought it would be good to tell you..... Aaand apparently the whole school I guess...." Percy said looking behind me.

"Shoot" Annabeth said then swiped through the mist.

I turned to Dumbledore and said "we're gonna need a bigger room for them." He just nodded then whispered something in Professor Sprouts ear and she scurried off.


Harry's POV

I give up! There having a kid.

I guess I just have to face the fact that Annabeth loves Percy and Percy only.

Well besides, I had my eye on certain Ginny Weasley lately (for a very long time actually)

When they get back I'm going to apologize!


Annabeth's POV

One week later

Uuuuugggg! Morning sickness sucks.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen in the big house to make myself some toast. Weird thing to crave right?

"Hey Percy where are you?" I shouted and heard a crash from the living room then Percy ran out wearing a guilty face.

"you know what? I'm not going to even ask!" I said and he just sighed.

"Oh it was just a lamp!" I raised my eyebrows "and now that lamp is on the floor, in peaces" he said and I just nodded. Percy has been super jumpy and clumsy this week with the baby coming. I knew Dumbledore would have stuff for the baby there thank gods!

I looked down at my stomach. It looked like I swallowed a basketball. "Can you hurry it up!?" I said.

Suddenly, as if the baby herd me, I felt a massive kick then.. "PERCY!"


Percy's POV

I heard Annabeth mutter something to the baby and went to the kitchen to see a half eaten piece of toast on a plate when suddenly I heard "PERCY!"

I ran into the kitchen and saw Annabeth staring at he wide eyed.

"Percy my water just broke baby's coming NOW!" She said so I ran over and scooped her up bridal stile and ran to the infirmity.

I burst through the doors and ran to the nearest Apollo kid "I have a baby coming that needs to be delivered!" The Apollo kid widens his eyes then led me to a room.

"ok lay her down here and I'll go get someone" a couple seconds later a girl came in "alright my name is May and I'll be delivering your baby!"

Time skip to baby being born!

I've been sitting by Annabeth the whole time letting her squeeze my hand.

Suddenly I hear the most amazing noise in the world.. A baby crying.

"It's a boy!" May said.

She wrapped the little guy in a blanket and handed him to Annabeth and I saw he had a little tuff of blond hair on his head but had sea green eyes like mine. "Mama" he said touching her nose.

"Ok so he obviously has your brains Annabeth!" I said super impressed.

"Wow your smart! Talking already!" Annabeth cooed.

Suddenly she gasped.

"Oh my god she's having twins!" The nurse said.

"Percy take Luke!" She said handing him to me.

"Luke?" I asked and she just smiled shyly.

"Mean if you want to AHHHHH" she screamed as May shouted push!

"I think Luke is perfect!" I said.

Suddenly I heard another baby's cry.

"It's a girl!" May said handing the other baby to Annabeth.

"I'm thinking Selina for that one!" I said.

"Selina's perfect!"

Selina had Jet black hair like mine but Had her mothers eyes. They were perfect!

And just like that. Two beautiful mixes of me and Annabeth where born!


Ok done! I was so excited to wright this and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did!

Eat blue cookies!


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