Chapter 12- revealing

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Nicos POV

I knew it.

Right after Kelly barged in I went over to Will and told him to get his dad because I smelled death near, and Will didn't argue.

He went to IM Apollo right away.

But I couldn't take it. I saw Hazel there, lying lifeless and I just knelt next to her and cried.

No one in the hall spoke, no one did anything except watch me.

Watch me cry.

Suddenly the hall burst open and in walked Will Apollo and Hades.

"Father." I said getting up and bowing "father, Hazel. She's, she's gone. Another sister gone and I couldn't do anything about it." I slunk my was down in shame and barley whispering "again"

"Son no one blames you for why has happened to Hazel, and I may be able to help her." Hades said.

"Please" I whispered.

"APOLLO! Do your magic!" Hades said pointing to Hazels lifeless body.

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me "Apollo? Isn't he a Greek god?" Hermione said.

"Yea what's in it to you!?" I said snapping my head back to Hazel.

Apollo did his magic then Hades spoke up. "I Hades lord of the underworld, King of the dead hereby resurrect Hazel Levesque on this day and time" an with that he touched Hazels head and both Apollo and Hades disappeared.

Suddenly I heard a gasp and saw Hazels eyes flutter open "wha?"

"HAZEL!" I screamed as I threw my arms around her shoulder and cried. Hazel knew I didn't really like physical contact from anyone but Will so I presume she was shocked.

"You, you died Hazel! Then then Hades and Apollo brought you back to life!" I cried some more than said "I thought I lost you like I lost Bianica" that made her squeeze me tighter.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on!?" Someone from Slytherin shouted.

"I believe it's time for you to reveal yourselves children." Dumbledore said and we nodded in return.

"students return to your seats!"

We went up to the front of the hall and Percy started "ok so wizards are real right? Well so are gods!" The whole hall erupted in murmurs.

"I am Persuse (spelling?) Jackson son of Poseidon God of the sea." I heard a prove it from the crowd and Percy raised his right hand and every liquid in the room raised from the cups and pitchers floated towards Percy where he made them swirl round him then evaporated it. "He was using his wand" someone shouted and all us demigods took out our wands and threw them across the room then Percy did it again.

"I am Nico Di Angelo son of Hades god of the underworld also I'm the ghost King!" I willed all the shadows to come towards me and made the temperature drop and summons a Skeleton then made it go away.

"I am Jason Grace son of Jupiter Roman version of Zeus" Jason made a lightning bolt come down.

"I am Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite" someone had the guts so say oh so your useless? Piper just smiled "no I can make you do anything by just telling you. It's called charmspeak bitch! Punch yourself!" And sure enough he did. "Also flirt with my BOYFRIEND or me and I punch your organs out!"

"I am Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto Roman version of Hades God of the underworld and I can summon any gem from under the ground but don't touch them! There cursed and you will die of s painful death if you do so don't say I didn't warn you." Then she summoned a diamond as big as her fist then slipped it into her pocket.

"I am Frank Zang son of Mars Roman version of Ares and I can turn into any animal you name it." Someone shouted lion and he did, someone shouted snake and he did. "Oh also I'm Hazels boyfriend so back off!"

"I AM LEO FREAKING VALDEZ AND I AN SON OF HEPHAESTUS AND I GOT FIRE POWERS BABY WOOOO!!" Leo shouted then burst into flames where Percy doused him in water and put the flames out.

Calypso walked up an kissed Leo on the cheek and said "I'm calypso daughter of Odysessus Titan and yes I'm this freaks girlfriend. He saved me from Ogygia after I fell in love with him."

My amazing boyfriend then spoke up and said "hi I'm Will Solace and I'm son of Apollo God of medicine, archery, music other stuff yea and I'm this amazing guy right hers boyfriend." He slung his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheeks where I blushed.

Last was Annabeth "I am Annabeth Chase daughter of Athen goddess of battle strategy and I don't have cool powers but I have an insanely high IQ that will put the Ravinclaws brains to shame also I promise you I will win any and every fight . And touch my boyfriend or me and I will destroy you"

"Now you know!" Percy said and we all walked out of the great hall before we where swarmed with questions.


Ok I know another short chapter but you guys really wanted to know what happens to Hazel so I updated soon!

Eat blue cookies!


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