Chapter 7- Awesome common rooms!

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A/N I don't own any of the characters but the plot is all mine

A/N Greek is in Italics

Percy's POV

After that weird sorting Professor Dumbledore raised his hands and the plates in front of us filled with food and the red head sitting across from us instantly started stuffing his face.

"So" Ron said "What the heck was up with that hat? It never does that."

I glanced over at Annabeth and said in Greek,

"What do we tell them? We can't tell them why it actually did that, it would blow our cover."

Jason joined into the conversation and said

"We could just say we don't know why."

"Err we have no idea why it did that."

"What was that language you guys where just speaking?" The brown haired girl I think her name was Hermione said.

"Our family lived in Greece for most of our life so that's like our first language." Annabeth said.

Hermione gave us a suspicious glance and countinued eating.

I looked at my classes and noticed all of us demigods and the golden trio had the same classes.


Care of magical creatures

Dividen (A/N I know that's spelled wrong I just am to lazy to figure out the spelling)




Greek and Roman studies


Sword fighting


Cool classes. Frank is going to own transfiguration.

After dinner us demigods followed the golden trio to our common rooms.

The trio stopped at a painting and said "Octavian's stuffed bunny" witch made us demigods howl with laughter.

"What the bloody hell does that mean?" Ron said giving us a perplexed look.

"Inside....... Joke....... Can't........ Breath" Leo said rolling on the ground.

"Get up repair boy." Calypso said

"Whatever Sunshine"

We walked into the common room getting a few weird stares from some students by us.

We suddenly heard a gasp and my arm instantly went to my pocket.

"There's an extra door! There wasn't an extra door there last year!"

Harry pointed towards a door with the sign above it that read Exchange students in Greek.

We hastily walked through the door to find a common room just like the first one except this one has a massive chalk board, a pile of beanbags in the corner, a training room and 5 doors with our names above it.

Percy Annabeth

Jason Piper

Hazel Frank

Leo Calypso


"Iiiiiiim just gonna go check out our room." I said as I steered Annabeth towards our room.

We walked into my room and my jaw dropped. LITERALLY.

OUR ROOM WAS AMAZING! There was a king size bed with grey and turquoise sheets (trust me it works) a massive book shelve on one end of the room that took up a whole wall, a FREAKING SWIMMING POOL!! THATS RIGHT! THERE IS A SWIMMING POOL IN OUT ROOM! 2 walk in closets, one for each of us. I'm pretty sure Aphrodite picked our our cloths sense we don't have to wear the robes. But surprisingly the cloths where my style.

Every room was like this, it reflected our personality.

(Leo and Calypso got a work room)

(Jason and Piper got a skydiving area, how I don't know)

(Hazel and Frank got a nature type area)

(Nico got a practice area where he can practice raising the dead and all)

Our rooms where awesome! There was also a training room with tons of weapons!

And the best part of it all? Only us demigods can access our common room.

Harry's POV

Stupid exchange students with there stupid common room with there stupid HOT girlfriends! Eeeerg! But I was hatching a plan for tomorrows Care Of Magical Creatures class that is sure to wow Annabeth causing her to ditch her lame boyfriend! Soon she will relies how amazing I am compared to stupid Percy!! Just you wait!

Oh my gods I'm so sorry this chapter was so bad! I just finished it up sense I haven't updated I like FOREVER! I'm so sorry I'm just busy with school and all and I tend to have severe cases of writers block and I can't think of what to wright down so I am so sorry.

I will update more often though!
I swear on the river Syx!!



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