Chapter 17- Uh Oh

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Percy's POV

Annabeth, Selina, Luke and I were walking to our first class on Monday, Care of Magical Creatures.

"Daddy are the people you go to school with nice? Will they be nice to us?" Luke said looking up at me.

"Don't you worry, if anyone is rude to any of you I will personally beat them up!" Selina's face lit up when I said that.

"Oooh I want to beat them up too daddy!"

We had arrived at Hagrid's hut and I noticed the rest of the 7 and the golden trio where there.

"Hey guys!!" Piper said as Selina jumped into her arms.

"Auntie!" She said giggling.

"They like Horses Percy?" Hagrid's said walking up to us.

"They've never seen one so this should be interesting." I said picking up Luke who had his nose in a book that looked like Magic Tree House.

We walked with Hagrid into the woods with the rest of the class to a little clearing.

"Fer this lesson we're bringing back out the Pegasus for the kids!" Hagrid said and the class cheered.

Blackjack along with about 10 other horses walked out.

Hey boss! Got any do- OMG GUYS LORD PERCY HAS LITTLE PERCY CLONES! BOW TO OUR PRINCE AND PRINCESS! Blackjack screamed in my mind and I had to cringe.

"Dude your going to blast out my eardrums!" I Said and blackjack just said sorry boss

Him and his horse friends walked over and bowed before Selina and Luke.

"What er they doin Percy?" Hagrid said.

"Well according to Blackjack there bowing to there little prince and princess!

"Mommy! Daddy! The horse is talking to me!" Selina said, her eyes going wide.

"what are they saying?" Annabeth said

"They want to give them a ride." I said as I picked up Luke and Selina and put them on Blackjacks back.

"Is that safe?" Calypso said and I just laughed.

"I trust Blackjack with my life! I think he's got this!" I said with a confident smile.

Over the rest of the class period Luke and Selina took turns riding different horses while the class pet the Pegasus and watched in awe.

After the hour we were off to Transfiguration, then after lunch, we had Sword fighting.

Annabeth was worried the kids where going to like get stabbed or something but I told her not to worry and we had to start young.

We arrived and Selina gasped "oh my gods it's a pony dude!!" Her eyes lit up in wonder.

Chiron chuckled "yes it seems I am a pony dude."

"Sorry Chiron!" I said laughing at Selina.

"No worries no worries! Now! Let's get class started!"

After everyone settled down Chiron told them to go back to practicing and walked over to us. "Now! Let's get your kids some weapons!"

"YA!" Luke and Selina screamed.

Luke went for the swords and Selina went for the bows and started practicing.

Will and Nico went to help Selina with the bow and I walked over to Luke.

"The first thing you need to make sure of is if the sword is right for you." I said.

We then proceeded to trying out 5 different swords until Leo and Calypso came up to us.

"Hey Percy hey Luke! Listen this is just something I came up with and I think Luke will like it." Leo said.

I grabbed what seemed to be a smaller pen than mine and handed it to Luke.

He pulled off the cap and it sprung into a sword that looked like mine.

"Wow this one is just like daddy's and it fits in my hand! Thanks uncle Leo!" He said.

"No problem bud. By the way that thing will grow with you as you grow up so you can use it all your life."

"Dude that's so cool!"

"Yea I got one for Selina to. I figured Luke would want the sword and Selina would want the bow."

He then gave Selina a necklace and said  if she says Leo (ya THANKS LEO!!!) it will morph into a bow that will also grow with her.

All in all, the kids seemed to like the school, and the students and teachers seemed to like them.

At dinner I had Annabeth on my Left and Luke and Selina my right, along with the demigods surrounding me.

I sat there and though how perfect our family was and how nothing can change that.

But I was wrong.

Suddenly the doors burst open and I heard whizzing sound like and arrow cutting through the air.

I snatched my hand out at Luke and caught the arrow right  before it hit his face.

I turned to Annabeth to see if she was ok but then heard a little cry from my left.

There was Selina, with an arrow in her chest.




I'm so sorry guys! I've been Hella busy with MCAs and school and all that so I apologize so so so so so much!!! The next chapter I will release within a week because I'm sure your gonna want to know what happens!!

Hope your not to mad at me!

Eat blue cookies


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