Chapter 14- Weddings and.. Babys?

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Annabeth's POV

Oh gods.

I'm so nervous!!  Percy was down the aisle waiting to marry me.

I'm sweating EVERYWHERE!!

"Annabeth, chill ok? Don't freak out!" Piper said fixing a strand of my hair.

"Ok ok I'm ok I promise!" I said taking a deep breath.

"Ok I gotta go now" Piper said and her, and the rest of the girls walked down the aisle.

"Ready baby?" My dad said taking my arm.

"I-I think so"

I heard the music playing and walked down the aisle hand in had with my dad.

Once we got to the podium my dad whispered something in Percy's ear making him go beer red causing a ripple of laughter throughout the crowd.

The wedding was small you could say. Only the people from camp half blood, Percy's mom and stepdad, my dad stepmom and step brothers and Chiron (who was marrying us) where there.

"What did my dad say?" I whispered.

"Haha, I'll tell you later"

"Percy Jackson, do you take this woman to be yours to love and to hold for as long as you both shall exist?" (We change that part)
He had tears in his eyes as he said "I do"

"And you Annabeth Chase, do you take this man to be yours to have and to hold for as long as you both shall exist?"

I was hardcore crying by then "I do"

"Then by the po-" Chiron started to say but was interrupted by a flash of light in front of Percy and I.

I gasped because there, standing next to each other without arguing was Poseidon and  Athena.

"Mom! Poseidon! What are you doing here?"

"Well," Poseidon spoke up "I would like to give a blessing to my very soon to be daughter in law!" He said with a smile.

My mom didn't look as happy "yes yes I agreed to do that also"

Poseidon came to me first "Annabeth, may your children be as smart as you, and may your family live mostly in peace. I made a couple of arrangements with the Fates to help with that." He said.

"Thank you so much!" I said, but I was worried a bit about that "mostly" in peace part but oh well, something to worry about at a later date.

Next Athena faces Percy "you treat my daughter right!"

"let me guess?" Percy said "or you'll kill me?"

"No I believe Annabeth is capable of doing that on her own." Athena said.

"Anywho, Percy Jackson, I, as all the gods, promise to leave you alone unless it's like a life or death situation." Athena said.

"Thank the gods! Finally! Some peace.!" Percy said.

Athena had a look of doubt on her face but just as quickly as it was there, it was gone "But you do have to finish your Hogwarts quest"

"Uuuuuuhhhhhgggg whyyyyy?" Percy said wining like a baby.

"Honestly Annabwth I don't get what you see in him!" Mom said.

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