Chapter 22- The Fight

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Percy's POV

Annabeth and I stood at the very front lines. I wanted to battle Kholone myself. I wanted to tear her to shreds for kidnapping my poor poor kids.

Suddenly I heard it. The sound of thousands upon thousands monsters.

I turned around to the army standing behind me and said "THIS IS IT!! NOW, WE FIGHT!!!"

About 140 of 200 people are fighting, and they rang out a might battle cry.

"CHARGE!!" I ran forward and started slashing and hacking with my sword at anything that moved.

Annabeth and I where like a whirlwind of chaos, any monster near us died instantly.

The hogwarts students where doing great, for every Hogwarts student there was a demigod at there side. They couldn't kill the Greek monsters, but they could stun them, giving the demigods time to kill them.

I saw Nico and Will of to my left. There where shadows hanging around Nico, and Will was literally glowing. Will would shoot his bow, and Nico would either raise the dead or kill them with his sword.

A sudden wave of cold washed over us, but was quickly diminished. Good, Leo was doing his job.

Annabeth and I knew Kholone would stay at the very back of the army where she is safe, and I know the kids will be with her.

"WE GOTTA GET TO THE BACK!" I yelled at Annabeth and she just nodded. We both knew some big bad monster would protect her, but we where ready.

I saw a flicker of motion above me and glanced up while stabbing a monster. Jason was flying above us diving down and slashing, and hacking at monsters.

I slashed and she hacked at the monsters.

Slowly but surely Annabeths and I pushed our way to the back of the hoard.

We where almost to Khalone when we where stopped bye the one and only Minator.

I threw my back my head and sighed "what is this? The 4th time I've had to kill you now?"

He roared with fury at that.

"Stay back babe! I got this!"

"Aww you called me babe" Annabeth said, as she cut off a monsters head.

I gave her a half smile and turned back to my attacker.

The Minator shot forward and I waited until the last second to hop aside.

As I lunged for safety, time seemed to slow down as I heard a sickening crunch.

I tumbled out of the way and screamed in pain as I clutched my now broken foot.

"PERCY!" Annabeth screamed as she started to run towards me.

"ANNABETH BEHIND YOU!" She spun around and slashed up with her knife not knowing what she was hitting but cried out in victory as her knife embedded itself into the Minators stomach.

Seconds later she was surrounded by gold dust.

She smiled triumphantly but that smile was soon replaced with a grim face as she glanced at me.

"What happened?" She said as she rushed forward.

"I don't know! I think the Minator stepped on my foot.

She kept muttering over and over "oh no oh no oh no" as she tried to help me.

"JASON!" She screamed causing Jason to look down.

As soon as he saw me laying there he dove down to help.

"Jason get Percy back to the great hall now!" He just nodded and picked me up.

"Annabeth" I said grabbing her arm "don't die ok?" She just smiled and nodded, though I could see tears threatening to spill.

And with that Jason picked me up bridal style and flew me back to Hogwarts.

Annabeths POV

With Percy gone, I didn't have backup leaving me with my knife.

It was a little harder and more stressful to fight without Percy by my side. I felt like a scared little 7 year old again.

I suddenly thought of my kids, and my fear was pushed to the back of my mind.

With more determination than ever, I pushed forward and killed every monster in sight.

A sudden wave of frost covered the ground and Annabeth knew she was close.

Suddenly, every monster anywhere near her was frozen.

She saw the siloet of a body in the distance.

She rushed forward, determined to free her children.

I was 10 feet away from Khalone when I stopped.


"Oh your children are not with me! They are with my most trusted serving! But first your gonna have to get past me!"

"One thing you don't know about me? I'm like Percy when I'm angry!"

I launched myself at her and cut and bled her dry.

I was kneeling over her, knife ready to end her when she streaked out PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!"

I just laughed "you never had mercy? Why should I?

Honestly I don't know how I did it, maybe Athena helped? I've never heard of someone killing a god/goddess before, but I did it.

With one fins swipe, Khalone exploded in a cloud of ice, and every monster around her disintegrated.

I sighed and ran into the forbidden forest, determined to get my kids back.



Only like 4 more chapters left tho omg I'm so excited! :D

Thank you all for being so patient with my slow updates!

Eat blue cookies!


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