Chapter 3- Gringotts

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Annabeth's POV

Chiron supplied us with five horses to fly us to a place called Diagon Alley where he said we could get all our books and such for school.

We had barley stepped foot on the ground when I gasped. "Oh My Gods, look at the architecture here! Its beautiful !!"

"Uggg" Percy groaned. "I'm going to have to listen to you going on and on about the amazing architecture of this place the whole time arn't I?"

"Yes you are Seaweed Brain." I said as I kissed him.

I pulled out the list Chiron had given us (Written in Greek thank gods). "OK, this list says the first thing we need to do is go to Gringotts bank to get our money." I looked up and saw a massive white building at the end of the street that I assumed was Gringotts sense it was so grand.

"On we go!!" Leo said as he marched on leading us to the white building.

I entered the building and gasped again. It was so beautiful I could hardly contain my excitement.

We walked up to a short man who resembled a goblin.

"Er, Hi I'm Piper and were exchange students from American and were here to pick up some money." Piper said as she approached the goblin.

He raised his head and said "Follow me" and led us through a door behind him and up to three minecarts. "Five per person" He said.

Percy Jason Piper the goblin and I sat in the first one and Leo Calypso and Nico sat in the second one, and Hazel and Frank sat in the last one.

After everyone was seated, the minecart's suddenly lurched forward and we where thrown into darkness. 

I heard screaming that sounded like a little girl then realized that it was Percy. Gods he was such a wuss at times.

The minecart's continued  there journey through darkness for about five minuted, but finally they stopped at a big black door.

The goblin got out at first and said "If your who you say you are you should be able to open this door by solving the questions it gives you. It will give you each one question about yourselves to answer."

Suddenly the door spoke in a booming voice that made us all jump.

"Percy Jackson step forward" The door boomed and Percy stood in front of the door. "Percy Jackson, what was the first monster you've ever slain and where"

"The Minotaur and on half-blood hill." Percy said

"Accepted answer." The door boomed then said "Hazel Levesque" Hazel stepped in front of the door. "What killed your mother Marie Levesque?" Hazel had tears in her eyes "My mother died trying to save me from the earth mother Gaea."

"Accepted answer, Frank Zang." Frank took Hazels place. "What is your special power passed down your family blood line to you?" "I am able to change into any animal at will." Frank said

"Accepted answer, Jason Grace. Who is your sister and what goddess is she currently standing with?" "Her name is Thalia Grace and she is with the Goddess Artemis goddess of the hunt." Jason replied

"Accepted answer, Piper McLean what is your power of speech called?" "Charmspeak" She replied almost bored.

"Accepted answer, Leo Valdez what special powers do you have?" "FIRE POWER OH YEA BABY!" Leo screamed.

"Ok Ok Ok Accepted answer jeez hyper much?" The door said which made us all laugh. "Annabeth Chase, what powers did your Yankees cap posses and when did it loose them?" I stepped in front of the door and said clearly, "It had the ability to turn me invisible and it lost its power when my mother Athena goddess of wisdom gave me the Mark of Athena." 

"Accepted Answer" The door said as I returned to my place next to Percy. "Nico Di Angelo, who is your secret boyfriend that you've only told Chiron about?" Nico's face instantly became red as a tomato. "Will Solace" He muttered barley loud enough for us to hear. 

Percy and Jason suddenly burst "DUUUUUDE!!! YOU HAVE A SECRET BOYFRIEND!?!!? AWESOME DUDE SO PROUD OF YOU!!" The said together

Nico suddenly smiled "Thanks guys"

"Accepted answer, Calypso" The door said "Calypso what did you do while you counted down the days till Leo came back to you?" The door said as Calypso stood in front of it. "I scratched slash marks on the wall each day." 

"Accepted answer" The door said and swung open.

Inside where Gold Silver and Bronze coins that piled to the ceiling. "Bronze ones are Knuts, Silver ones are Sickles, and the Gold ones are Gallons. 29 Knuts to a Sickle and 17 Sickles to a Gallon." The goblin said. He then handed us all bags to fill up with money and we got to work.

After filling all our bags full of money we got back into the minecart and ascended back to the surface.

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