Chapter 9- Classes pt2

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Percy's POV


Stupid teacher didn't even know what she was talking about.

We were currently heading to Professor Dumbledores office to tell him we were dropping out of Divadin.

Hazel was currently trying to calm down Annabeth.

"Shhhh Annabeth she didn't know what she was even talking about! She said Percy would drown for hades sake."

"I know but it hurts hearing it because what if I find myself in a situation I can't get out of?"

"Then your sewed brain would jump in, do something stupid to almost get us all killed, then save the day."

That earned a chuckle from Annabeth.

We arrived at a gargoyle statue where professor Dumbledore told us his office was. "Simply say Olympus" he had said

"Olympus" I said and the gargoyle jumped to its right to reveal a stair case which we climbed.

We found Professor Dumbledore sitting at his desk stroking his Phoenix Fawks.

"Ah hello children I'm assuming you've come to tell me you shall be dropping Divadin?"

"She's a fraud sir!"

"She said I would get struck by lightning!"

"She said Annabeth's strategy  would fail!"

"Yes children I know I know but she does speak in Prophecy from time to time, and really I'm not mean enough to kick her out of her only home."

"Well that's all we would like to say"

"Farewell children!"

We all said our goodbyes then headed off to transfiguration.

Harry's POV

My first plan failed but I shall now wow Annabeth!

Finally in transfiguration we are changing into animals. I'm gonna wow Annabeth with how well I do on the first try. I've been practicing you see.

I bet Percy will suck at every other class besides Care of Magical Creatures.

Hermione Ron and I arrived only to see all the exchange students there. They where all sitting in the back just chatting away.

"Cmon guys lets sit here" I pointed to the desks closes to the exchange students as I could get.

"Why so close to them?" Ron whispered in my ear.

"So we can hear what there saying. I don't trust them you see"

We sat in the desks and I heard buts of what they where saying.

"But the prophecy said,"

"Annabeth they don't trust us"


"Have to reveal eventually."

What did that mean? I didn't have long to think because suddenly professor Mcgonagle  walked in.

"Today students we will finally be transfiguring ourselves.

That got a whole lot of yays from the room. Time to finally show Annabeth what I got.

"For this lesson we will be going outside. You shall each get a chance transfigure in front of the class."

Time to see Percy fail!!

We walked out by the lake.

"Any volunteers to go first?" All he exchange student raised there hands. "You guys can all go first"

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