Chapter 11- The Attack

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Annabeth's POV

I have to say, at first Nico's outburst was cool, but now i'm having second thoughts.

First off i'm pretty sure everyone is avoiding us. Every time I try to talk to someone they make up some lame excuse like, sorry I have to feed my owl. Seriously?! Everyone knows owls can take care of themselves.

Percy Will and I where walking to lunch when I felt a tingle on the back of my neck which is my bodies was of telling me somethings wrong.

"No but seriously have you guys done it yet?" Will gave Percy a are you seriouse? Look.

"Well I mean we got carried away and it just kinda happend..." Will said looking down.

"Will are you seriouse? I've been dating Percy longer than you two have known each other!?" I said Putin my hands on my hips.

"Like I said, we got carried away."

We walked into the great hall talking and I noticed people like where leaning away from Will. Ha Nicos warning must've gotten through.

We sat across from Ginny and Ron and Percy started talking in Greek.

"Hey Annabeth? I have a question for you." Percy said then did something I never thought  he would've done... He got on one knee.

Lol I was gonna end it here but I was like naw that's to short of a chapter. Also when I wrote that I like mentally squealed.

Harry's POV

Hermione and I where a little late for lunch because we ran to the library to do some research on these exchange students and found nothing...

We walked into the great hall and sat across from Annabeth and Percy and Percy was talking to Annabeth.

Suddenly Percy got on one knee and Annabeth gasped. Ha! She'll probably say no.

"Annabeth Chase," Percy said "I've known you sense we were 12 years old, and even though I didn't relise it then, but the day I met you was the greatest day of my life. We have been through so much together, we've been somewhere worse than Hell. An you know what, when we where there the only reason I didn't give up then and there is because I kept thinking Annabeth needs you Annabeth needs you, you can't give up."

"I know we're only 17 but I spoke to your mom and she gave me her blessing and so did my father. That's why I'm asking now, Annabeth Chase, will you marry me?" By then Annaeth was crying and the whole hall even the teachers where listening.

"Oh Percy of course I will!!" She exclaimed and threw her arms around her then I heard a

"Bout fucking time" and turned around to see the rest of the exchange students.

"Wait you knew?" Annabeth said

"Yup" they all said in harmony.

"I'm surprised they kept the secret for that long though really, I was sure someone was gonna blab." Percy gave Annabeth a kiss which I mentally gaged at.

"Awww Percy your so sweet!" Annabeth threw her arms around his neck and suddenly the whole hall erupted in applause.

But that was when everything went wrong.

Hazels POV

Annabeth had just said how sweet Percy was when everything went wrong.

The great hall doors burst open and everyone except us got out there wands and pointe them at...

"Kelly" Percy said.

"Everyone get to the walls! These things cannot be killed by your magic!" I heard myself saying as everyone quickly pressed there backs up agains the wall.

"Ahh Percy Jackson! Such a pleasure to see you again!" Kelly said baring her fangs.

"What the fuck Kelly!? You just don't give up do you!?" Percy said and I noticed that on either side of Kelly where 2 Hell Hounds.

"Now now Percy, you and your friends hold still. My pets are oh so hungry!"

Suddenly I sprung into action and pulled my sword out earning a gasp from the Wizards. The rest of us demigods did the same, except for Will, Will had disappeared, weeeeeeird.

Annabeth snuck up behind Kelly and stabbed her with her dagger and she disappeared in while I started chopping down the Hell Hounds.

Suddenly Nico was right beside me chopping down the beasts one by one.

After we killed all the monsters I put my sword back and was about to sigh in relief when I suddenly heard a quick LOOK OUT!! Come from one of the Wizards before I felt something sharp and hard go through my back and before I could look back I was falling. I faintly heard a HAZEL! Before I died.



Lol ok but seriously dudes just you wait for the next chapter! It'll get better I promise!

Eat blue cookies!


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