Chapter 5- The Hogwarts Express

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I do not own any of the characters but the plot is mine

Harry's POV

"Be safe and don't get yourselves into any trouble!" Mrs. Weasley scolded as she kissed Ron and my head.

"Moooom, your embarrassing me" Ron said as his cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.

I suddenly felt a tug in my gut like something was inside my body but j quickly dismissed it.

Ron and I along with Ginny where saying goodbye to Mrs. Weasley before we boarded the Hogwarts Express which was waiting in front of us when I spotted them.

I couldn't exactly place my finger on what was off about them but they where just weird.

There was a guy who looked exactly like me except his eyes where a different shade of green, almost sea green if you know what I mean. My lookalike was way taller than me, he looked about 6, 1. My lookalike was also waaaaaaay more ripped than I'll ever look. He looked like he spent all day at the gym working out. But what really stood out to me where his scars. His body was littered with small scars. He had a couple big ones to, but mostly they where tiny.

He was holding hands with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had long blond hair, stormy grey eyes and she was just about as muscular as my lookalike. She also had tiny scars all along her body.

I silently hoped she wasn't dating my lookalike. Suddenly she stopped and turned to my lookalike and Judo Flipped him. YAY! But I spoke to soon because she then knelled down and kissed him. My heart shatterd.

But I got so mad and determined! Ha, I will win her heart over soon enough. Just you wait.

There where 7 other people standing around those two laughing and talking.

There was a blond dude standing with this girl who's eyes kept changing collars, a girl with brown skin and brown hair standing next to a buffy Chinese man, a scrawny but strong looking guy standing next to a beautiful girl in a white dress and a braid down her back, and a guy in all black talking to my lookalike.

Hm weird I've never seen them before.

"HARRY" I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts by Ron. "Hurry up mate, were gonna miss the train!"

"Alright alright i'm coming."

We boarded the train and sat down in a empty car in the back and sat down.

The door opend and Hermione came in and started talking a thousand mines a minute about exchange students coming to Hogwarts (I wasn't really listening) when the compartment opend and the lookalike, blond hottie, weird black guy, and scrawny guy stood in the doorway.

Ron looked up and saw the blond and his jaw instantly dropped to the floor.

Percys POV

We all got on the Shmogwarts Express or something like that and went on the hunt to find an empty compartment. Eventually we found one at the back of the train but it wouldn't fit us all so Hazel Frank Calypso Piper and Jason sat in that one and the rest of us continued our hunt.

We eventually found a compartment towards the very back that had a scrawnier version on me a redhead and a girl with fizzy brown hair. I pulled open the door and all eyes turned to us.

Well, except for the redhead, he looked strait at Annabeth and his jaw dropped. I decided to try and ignore him for the most part. I was mostly used to guys staring at Annabeth by now. It didn't matter where I went guys always where staring at her.

"Hi" I said pulling the redheads eyes from Annabeth "I'm Percy Jackson, this is my GIRLFRIEND Annabeth Chase" I made sure to look at the redhead long and hard when I said girlfriend "and my cousins Nico Di Angelo, and Leo Valdaz.'

My scrawny lookalike stood up and said "These are my friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, and I'm Harry Potter" He said then sat down.

The looked like I should know Harry Potter. Whatever.

Annabeth spoke up and said, "Uh can we sit here? Everywhere else is full."

Ron answered almost instantly "Ya sure whatever you want" I'm going to have to have a stern talk with him later about keeping his eyes on Annabeths face.

We all kinda sat there aquardly the whole ride when suddenly the girl with frizzy hair Hermione jumped up and said "Were here!" And sure enough I looked up and saw a giant castle coming into view.

I heard Annabeth gasp and I groaned "More Architecture talk?" I asked

"You know it seaweed brain." She said then kissed me on the cheek.

"Seaweed brain?" Harry asked looking super confused

"Err nicknames." I said a little to quickly.

The train suddenly lurched to a stop. "Were here now lets get off!" Annabeth said, rushing to get off the train.

We stepped off the train and I saw about 50 or so chariots in a row with students piling on them.

We followed Harry Ron and Hermione to an empty chariot and were soon joined by the rest of the demigods.

"What are those thing pulling the chariots?" Jason asked

"There thestrals" Harry said wide eyed. "Who can see them.

We all raised our hands. "They can only be seen by people who have seen death.

We all nodded "That makes sense" I said.

The chariots stopped and I realized we had arrived at the castle and we all got out.

"First yrs over here" A big harry guy was saying so we followed him because technically we where first years here.

The harry guy led us to boats which we all got into and we crossed a lake.


My mind was suddenly filled with thousands of voices of the fish in the lake

Ok Ok guys please stop my mind is going to explode I said and the voices stopped.

We had crossed the lake and we all stepped out of the boats and entered the castle.

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