Chapter 4- Shopping Wizard Style

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I do not own any of the characters but the plot is mine

Hazels POV

After that fast and nauseous ride back to the surface we stepped out of Gringotts to begin our shopping.

"Ok so it says we need Three sets of plain black cloths, one plain pointed hat, Protective gloves (Dragon hide or similar) and one winter cloak, but below it says Exchange students from America do not have to wear the uniforms" Annabeth read of the list.

"Thank Neptune because i'm not wearing that." Percy said

So we decided not to but a uniform.

"Ok so book wise we need The Standard book of spells Grade 7, Advanced potion making, A guide to advanced transfiguration, and Greek Myths of the world." I said reading over Annabeth's shoulder.

"Uhh where do we even find those books?" Calypso said

I walked up to a couple of redheads who looked related and tapped them on the shoulder "Hi my name is Hazel and me and my friends here are exchange students from America and we where just wondering where we are able to buy our books for school."

"Hi i'm Ginny" the shorter girl said "and i'm Ron" said the taller boy standing next to her. Ginny pointed to a shop to our left and said "You'll be able to buy all your books there"

"Thanks" I said as I turned around and headed back to my friends.

"Those to ginger haired people said we can find all our books in that store." I said pointing to the store.

"Floriush and Bottls?" Percy said "What kind of name is that?

"Pretty sure that says Flourish and Blotts" Piper said

Percy muttered something about stupid dyslexia and led us into the store.

"Why hello dears!" A lady behind the counter said. "And what books are you looking for?"

Annabeth read of the list of books we needed and said "Also could we get them in Greek?"

The lady looked surprised and said "We only have them in ancient Greek is that ok?"

"Perfect" Jason said as she handed all of us some books.

"Ok" Annabeth said as she glanced at the supply list again "It says we also need 1 Wand, 1 Cauldron, 1 set of glass phials, 1 set of brass scales, and students may bring 1 owl," (Annabeths face lit up when she said that) "one cat or one toad."

"Lets get the Cauldron phials and scales first" Piper said "then we can get the animals, then the wands last."

About 10 minutes later we walked out of the Cauldron shop with our supplies and headed towards the pet shop across the street.

We walked into the shop and we all had to hit the floor as a screech owl dove down at us from somewhere above.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OWL IN MY HAIR OWL IN MY HAIR" Leo screamed as an owl landed on his head.

"Hold still HOLD STILL!!" Calypso screamed as she tried (and failed) to get the owl of of Leo's head. It wasn't until Annabeth gave the owl a glare that the owl decided to get off of Leo's head.

"Thanks Annie" Leo said

"I told you not to call me that Leo."

"Whatever you say Annie." Leo said

Annabeth calmly walked up to him then Judo Flipped him.

"Ok Ok Jez" Leo said as he hauled himself off the floor.

"Annnnnnnnywayyyyyyyy" I said.

"What are you dears looking for? An owl? A cat? A toad? A mouse? We have it all" An old lady walked up to us and spread her arms for a dramatic effect I guess.

We politely declined then walked out of the shop.

"Ok so the last thing we need is a wand" Annabeth said.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeessssssss!" Leo said making us all jump. "I'm excited about this!"

We walked into a shop that was just called Ollivanders, and where greeted by an old man behind a counter who I suspected was Ollivander.

"Hello were the exchang-" I started but was cut off after Ollivander said "Ahh Demigods, haven't seen your type in a while." We all froze.

"How do you know we're Demigod?" Frank said

"Ah I am one myself you see, son of Hephaestus." Ollivander said

"Duuuuuuuude me to!" Leo said "How cool your like my half brother then, awesome."

"Yes, awesome anyway to your wands, Hecate shipped me a box of wands she said that where built to be weld by you 9." Ollivander said as he rummaged around for the box. "Hmm it should be somewhere AH here it is" He lay a box in front of us and pushed it towards us.

"Annabeth open'd the box and read the tags on the wands as she passed them to us.

"Leo Valdez, A wand for only the most mischievous person to wield" Annabeth handed the wand to Leo

"Awwww Yeaaaaa" Leo said as he made fire come out of the wand.

"Jason Grace, only a true Roman Leader can wield this wand" Annabeth handed the wand to Jason and he made sparks fly out of it

"Piper McLean, only the most powerful speaker is liable for this wand." Pipers shot doves out of it.

"Percy Jackson, only the prince of the seas is able to control the power" Percy shot water out of his.

"Hazel Levesque, only the tamer of Arion can wield such a fast working wand" She handed me my wand and I gave it a flick and gems poured out of mine.

"Frank Zang, only a shapeshifter of your kind can yield this wand" Franks made a roar that sounded like a lion.

"Calypso only someone who suffered your pain can control this wand" Calypso waved hers and fire shot out of it just like Leo's which made her smile.

"Nico Di Angelo, only someone as powerful as you can control this wand" Nico flicked his and a mini zombie sprang out of it.

Annabeth pulled out the last wand and said "Annabeth Chase, only the most cunning is able to yield such a wand." She flicked hers and and it hooted like an owl.

"Ok so the list says we need to go to Kings Cross Station and run through platforms 9 and 10 to reach platform 9 3/4 where we will board a train called The Hogwarts Express and the train will take us to Hogwarts." Annabeth said and Percy burst out laughing again

"Hog Shmorts HAHAHAHHAA" He rolled around on the ground laughing

"To Kings Cross Station we go!" Leo said and we marched along the street of Diagon Alley.

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