Chapter 8- Classes

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Disclaimer! I do not own any of the characters but the plot is MINE! So no stealing!

Hermione's POV

I'm pretty sure everyone in the Griffondor common room woke up that night.

I shot up from my bed wondering what woke me up when I heard it again.

Screaming coming from the exchange students room.

Everyone spilled out of there rooms and gathered by the door trying to get in one by one.

The screaming started again but this time I heard yelling with it.




Suddenly it stopped.

The door opened and Leo I think his name was stood in the doorway.

"Sorry guys! Us de- er exchange students get, nightmares I suppose you would say" He said then slammed the door.

Well that was weird.

I went back to my room and lay in my bed but didn't fall asleep after that.

Harry's POV

They think there nightmares are bad?

Please! I watched my godfather kidnaped! I say Mr. Weasley almost dying! What could be worse then that?

Oh well, I'll get them in Care of Magical Creatures!

--------Walking to Hut next day---------

I saw Hagrid's hut in the distance as me Hermione and Ron walked down there.

The exchange students where already there just sitting in the grass talking in that weird language of theres.

"Did you hear that screaming last night?" I asked

"Pretty sure the whole bloody school heard it! I wonder what there nightmare was?"

-----Time skip to class cuz I can---------

"Alright yer in fer w real treat today! Percy I think you'll like this. Now into the forest!" Hagrid said as he led us into the Forbidden Forest.

We walked for about 5 minutes then came to a clearing where there was a black horse with wings.

I heard Hermione gasp "That's a Pegasus! I thought those where extinct!"

"Why would you think that?" Annabeth said.

I was in trouble! I was going to wow the class with my knowledge on the monster Hagrid's brought in but I had no idea what a Pegasus was.

"BLACKJACK!" Percy said as he ran up and hugged the horse. "How are you bud?"

The horse nickered and Percy laughed. "No I don't have donuts!"

"Percy, ye mind teaching the class today? You know more bout these creatures than me." Hagrid's said.

"It would be my pleasure!"

"Well that's not fair! Why does he get to teach the class?"

"Well ye could say he knows so much about these creatures they could be related."

That caught some snickers from the exchange students.

"Well this is my Pegasus Blackjack. I use him mostly for transportation." Then he launched into telling us about the horse. Tho much for even me to take in.

After the lesson Hagrid called to us "homework is 1 page on what you learned today, except the exchange students, it would be kinder pointless."

Not fair! They should get homework to!

Well next was stupid Divadin.


We entered Divaden and the exchange students took up 3 tables at the back of the room.

The teacher walked up to them and pointed and said,

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the doors of death.

"Been there done that." Percy said

"Well, what about...

Wisdoms daughter
Walked alone
The mark of Athena
Burns through Rome
Twins snuff out
The angles breath
Who holds the key
To endless death

"Cmon lady that's old news."

She pointed at Percy and said "you shall die of drowning"

The exchange students burst out laughing.

She pointed to I think Jason "You shall be struck by lightning"

"Cmon lady I don't think my dad hates me that much"

She pointed to Annabeth and said "your strategy shall fail!"

Everyone frowned, "that is incredibly rude!" Percy said

"My strategies NEVER fail!" Annabeth said.

"Well be leaving now!" Hazel said

They walked out and I heard them muttering stuff like "fake" and "Rachel's better" whatever that means.

Gods I'm so sorry! My chapters are absolute crap! But if you enjoy them that makes me happy.

Eat blue cookies


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