Chapter 16- Introductions

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Ok I just wanted to start off by saying 250 reads on this story!? You guys are awesome!

Pipers POV

Jason and I walked down the hallway hand in hand. I was so excited!

Annabeth and Percy where coming back today with the babies! I love babies!

Jason and I walked into the great hall and saw something that didn't make sense!

Percy and Annabeth where in front of professor Dumbledore taking to him, and behind them where two kids that looked around 3 running around Annabeth and Percy's legs.

"Percy! Annabeth!" I said running up to them and hugging Annabeth with Jason right behind me.

"uhh Annabeth I thought you said you had the baby's yesterday?" I said staring at a little girl with stormy grey eyes and jet black hair.

"yea my mom and Poseidon decided to visit us and speed up our baby's aging process by 4 years! They said it would be easier for our quest if we didn't have to take care of crying babies all the time."

"Personally I'm fine with them growing up! At this age they have the brains of an 8 year old even though there only half that age! They know how to behave right and everything. Although Selina has my troublemaker side, Luke is more well behaved like Annabeth." Percy said and the little boy and girl stopped running.

"Hi I'm Selina!"

"And I'm Luke!" They said.

"Luke, Selina this is your aunt Piper, and uncle Jason!" Annabeth said.

The little girl squealed and jumped into my arms. "hi auntie!" She said and I just laughed.

Suddenly the hall burst open and students along with our other demigod friends filed in.

They didn't notice Percy and Annabeths kids at first but when they did everyone stopped and stared at them.

Hazel, Frank, Calypso, Leo, Will, and Nico all ran up and hugged Percy and Annabeth.

Annabeth once again explained why Selina and Luke where so big to them and the school.

"Selina, Luke, this is your aunt Hazel uncle Frank aunt Calypso uncle Leo uncle Will and uncle Nico!" Percy said pointing at each person as they said it.

"Uh Piper, will you be there godmother?" Annabeth said.

"Well of course I will silly!" I said.

Suddenly I heard someone behind me clear there throat and turned to see none other than Harry Potter.

"Uh" he said then stood a little straiter "I would like to apologize the Percy and Annabeth for the ways I have acted these past few months. Actually I owe you all an apology! I guess I was just jealous of you guys. Could you ever forgive me?"

Suddenly Percy burst out laughing "of course we'll forgive you! No need to make it formal or anything"

Harry grinned.

"Mommy this school is pretty!" Selina said making us all laugh.

"Hey Dumbledore what do we do with Luke and Selina when we're in class?" Annabeth turned to Dumbledore.

"Oh I suppose the could just stay with you. I have a feeling if you give them a book to read they'll stay quiet." Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eyes that reminded me of Chiron.


Annabeths POV

We walked into our common rooms and found an extra door next to mine and Percy's that said Selina and Luke.

I walked in and found it was perfect for our kids! There was a swimming pool on one side, (no worried there they can both swim perfectly and breath under water) a fish tank full of fish in the center of the room. Two twin beds on Esther side both with blue and grey sheets and a whole section of all my favorite books (don't know how Dumbledore knew but oh well) from The Hunger Games to To Kill a Mocking bird to architecture books. Our kids both had extraordinary vocabulary for there age of only 4 and could read books I read!

The room was perfect.

"Aww mommy I have to share a room with Luke? No fair! He drools in his sleep you know?" I had to laugh at that.

"Trust me honey, I know!"

I tucked Luke into bed and was working on Selina when Luke said "mommy the fishy says goodnight!"

I just smiled and continued tucking Selina into bed.

When I was done I turned off the light when Selina sat up and said "wait mommy! I want to say goodnight to daddy!"

"I'll go get him for you!"

I walked into the newly added hangout/game/hot tub room to get Percy and found Hazel Frank Piper Jason and Calypso where in the hot tub and Percy Leo Will and Nico where playing Call Of Duty III on the PS4.

I walked up to Percy and snatched the controller out of his hands and watched as Nico killed him.

"Hey!!! Give it baaaaack!" He wined.

"Go say goodnight to Luke and Selina then you can have it back." I said.

Percy got up and walked out of the room and I plopped down on the couch and continued playing for him slaughtering everyone brutally.

"He's not getting that controller back is he?" Leo said.

"Nope" I replied with a grin. "My turn to have some fun!"

"Not fair! You'll beat all of us!" Will said.

"Your point?"

"Aww babe just face the fact that you suck at this!" Nico said ruffling Wills hair and kissing him on the cheek.

"I don't suck! You guys are just abnormally awesome at this!"

"You should see when Annabeth and Percy play! Annabeth is all strategy but at the same time Percy had the quickest reflexes I've ever seen. He can dodge a headshot from a sniper!" Leo said munching on some chips.

Percy walked back in and saw me with his controller and just sighed. "Well, hot tub time I guess!" He then proceeded to taking off his shirt dramatically right in my face.

"Percy I already know you have amazing abs!"

"I know, it's just nice to show off every once in a while."

I sat back as the game ended with me at 45 kills, will at 7, Nico at 18, and Leo at 21 and just thought of how perfect and normal life was right now.

But oh how was I wrong.


MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Lol but seriously guys I love this chapter! It's probably my favorite out of the whole book.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Leave suggestions for anything you want to see me add into the story and I'll add it. (Within reason)

Eat blue cookies!


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