Chapter 19- Funeral

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3rd Person POV

Everyone watched as Frank clutched Hazels hand and Nico knelt over her crying whispering "not again, not again, not again."

Selina slowly stood up looking fine and walked up to Hazel and put her hand on her head and whispers so quietly no one could hear her "I'm so sorry Auntie Hazel, please, help Uncle Frank and Uncle Nico and all my aunties and uncles get through this." After she said that she stood up with tears streaming from her eyes and walked over to Annabeth and sat in her lap.

2 weeks later

The Funeral was held at camp Jupiter and both camps and the golden trio where there.

There was much crying and despair.

After, Nico walked up and spoke to the crowd and that's when something mildly interesting happened.

"I know Hazel will not want us to mourn her death! I know that for sure. I've also spoken with my father and I can assure you Hazel is in Elysian safe and happy waiting." Nico said trying not to cry.

Suddenly a shimmer appeared and there stood Hazel, except she didn't look like Hazel. She was surrounded by a glowing gold aura.

"I have little time so I must tell you quickly, the Ice Queen is planning her attack to be careful! Also Do not end your quest just because of me! Continue it! Also do not mourn my death. I will be watching you , and if I see your moods change I will personally send Mrs. O, Leary to slobber on you understood???" We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"and Nico, Frank, I love you guys! Nico don't stop being happy. Seeing you laughing with Will fills my heart with joy! Don't change because you miss me."

She then turned to Frank "Frank, promise me you won't hold on to me? Find someone else to love but just promise not to forget me ok?"

Frank and Nico had tears in there eyes and running down there cheeks.

"How could we ever forget you Hazel?" They both said at the same time.

Everyone was crying and confused at what Hazel said about the Ice Queen planning her attack.

3 days later back at Hogwarts doing the usual stuff ya know.

The demigods and the school was still shaken up and puzzled but they kept hazels promise.

Percy Annabeth Leo and Calypso where by the lake watching little Luke and Selina swim in the lake and play with the giant squid that was using its tentacle as a slide for them.

"I'm pretty bummed Frank decided to stay at camp." Percy said gazing at his children.

The demigods all nodded in agreement "well" Annabeth replied "at least that's 2 lines of the prophecy solved right?"

"Awe I forgot about the prophecy!" Leo said letting out a groan.

"The Original 8 plus 2 more

Shall travel to a place beyond the shore

To protect the magical from evils claw

The Ice Queen gets revenge

One shall abandon while the others stay

Before the Job is complete" Annabeth said reciting the prophecy perfectly.

"Well the One shall abandon while the others stay, and the Before the job is complete line is obviously Frank staying at camp" Percy said.

"But what's with the whole Protect from evils claws?" Leo said. "And the Ice Queen part? She just keeps popping up doesn't she?"

"Maybe we should ask Piper?" Annabeth suggested "she seemed to know who it was when Kronos was talking about the ice queen."

"I don't like the sound of Ice Queen." Leo said then laughed "reminds me of Elsa"

"Who's Elsa?" Calypso said with a confused look

"Awe man I keep forgetting you've missed the last like 3 hundred thousand years or so! You haven't discovers the joy of TV! That's it! Come with me we're going inside and having s Disney movie day!" Leo said grabbing her hand.

"Hey! We wanna join!" Percy said.

So about 30 minutes later, Percy, Annabeth, Selina, Luke, Piper, Jason, Will, and Nico where all sitting on the couch in the Hangout room waiting eagerly for Leo to put on Frozen.


Oh Styx..... I feel awefull....

I haven't been able to update because I failed a math test so I got my phone taken away... :/


I hope you enjoyed!



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