Chapter 1

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May 9, 2015 (Sunday)

So, I don't know why I started this diary.....maybe its to rant about the unfair things in life. 

Oh, I forgot, I'm Jackson Taylor and I'll be writing in this journal because....well, you see my mother was an author. Sofia Taylor;pretty sure you've heard of her. Popular young adult fiction author in the US. 

She used to write in a diary like this one....well, until she had that car accident.... and now she's in a coma, in the hospital.....


I'm ruining the moment...aren't I? I am. Well, long story short: my dad told me to clean the attic and I found some of her diaries. I also found this empty one and now I'll be writing in it just for the sake of it.

But anyways, a lot of people wouldn't expect me to be writing in a diary (clears throat), I mean journal. Actually, they wouldn't expect me to be "writing" at all, let alone everyday. 

I'm the player/bad boy/all-the-girls-want-me-and-guys-are-jealous-of-me type of guy. Yep, I hook up with any girl that wants me, and boy are there a lot of em.

I remember...Brittany....or Lexi was it...yea she was good in bed, but Georgia....not so much...

Okay so let me actually write something you would find in a journal, and not explain my one night stands.

So, let's begin from a week ago....

"Yo, dude, your bringing the vodka, right?" I asked Max, my best friend, on my Iphone 7. Yep, I'm rich, be jealous. I was currently sitting in my room on the desk chair, calling my friends for preparations. You see, I'm having a party, while my dad was gone for the week. Oh man, this is gonna be fun.

"Yup. Who'd you invite?" Max asked. 

"Uhm.....let's see.....uh half of the school, bunch of college freshmen, and a lot o girls, hot, sexy, chicks." I said smirking. Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

"Nice." Max said. "Yo, Imma go now, see ya later."


A few hours later

"Hey, whazzup bro." Dylan said, he was a good friend of mine. See, us boys have a group, we are the "popular/cool" group of guys in high school. 

There's Dylan Mathews; the athletic, Max Dawson; the Bad Boy, Shawn Skyler; the genius, Luke Armstrong; the boy next door, and me; the Player. I like to believe I have all these qualities, that's what people tell me. I am also the leader, golden boy, hottie, etc. 

The party started at 10 pm and it started up pretty quickly, considering everyone loves me and my house; I host the best parties. 

Now, I know what your thinking, "Ugh, your so cocky and egoistic, your head will explode if you don't shut up." 

Well my friend, consider my head blown up since  junior year started. See, it's high school; I'll sober up in college.

"Hey, Jackie." a girl seductively whispered to me, earning my attention. She had a vodka in her hand and her speech was slurring; she couldn't even stand properly so I supported her by holding her by the waist. This was just too easy, and it hasn't even been an hour.

"Wanna come upstairs with me?" she asked in a low voice. I smirked and gave her a once over. 

"Sure, but later." I told her in a deep, seducing voice.

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