Chapter 32

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So the mysterious girl and I walked to the center of the ball room and started to Waltz. I was taking in her beauty and looking at every inch of her face that wasn't covered by her mask. 

At one time our eyes locked but she would look away.  Strange? 

I cleared my throat. "So where are you from, Elizabeth." I asked, in an unsure manner. 

"Uhm....I rather keep that secret." she said, stuttering on her words. It kinda made me upset that she wouldn't tell me any information about herself, but I didn't push her past her limits.

"You're very pretty." I told her and she looked down slightly, smiling and blushing. I remember when Cinderella used to blush like that, I thought. 

No forget about her, she's with Aiden. 

Speaking of that two timing asshole, here he comes now. 

Smirking, Aiden made his way towards us and I stopped dancing to face him. The girl looked to where I was staring at and quickly looked away. I'm pretty sure she got whiplash by doing that. 

"Prince Jackson Taylors." Aiden greeted cockily as he stood in front of me and the princess. I was about to give the classic fuck off but that was until someone showed up behind them. 

None other than Isabella herself. She gave an apologetic smile, but something about her was off. 

I swallowed. "Aiden." I said, nodding my head upwards to greet him. 

"Are you enjoying the party?" I asked, gritting my teeth to keep a "smile". 

"Eh, I've been to better ones." he said, looking around with a bored expression.  

I squinted my eyes at him as he checked out the girl standing next to me

"Well, I gotta go." I said, taking the girls hand and spinning around, heading the opposite direction. 

"That fucking son of a bitch, motherfucker, lying ass piece of..." I began to mutter until I heard a small giggle come from my right. 

I stopped and looked at my date tonight. 

She had a beautiful smile. 

"You don't like him very much I see." she said. 

"Ha. No kidding." I said, chuckling at her. Something about her felt so right, but then again, something felt so wrong too. 

I was getting confused but she broke my train of thought by asking for a few minutes alone to find her friend. 

Of course I let her and went to the food place. They had lots of food but small portions of it. Wow, are they putting me on a diet?

I walked to a corner and stared into the crowd. Only one person caught my eye and that was Cinderella. 

The first one. 

She was wearing a short, short, very short dress. I didn't like that. I mean she looked beautiful but something in my mind kept saying 'that's not her, you idiot.'

Yea that's stupid. 

I looked at the clock. 11:45. 

Wow, time flies fast. 

I scanned the crowd for Cinderella number two, or mystery girl. Whatever you want to call her. 

My eyes immediately stopped when I saw her talking to Cinderella, I-I mean, Isabella. 

They were talking and then suddenly Isabella looks at me. I make sure to look away. 

That's it. I gotta talk to her. 

I make my way up to them.

"Isabella, can I talk to you alone for a few seconds." I asked. 

Mystery girls back was turned to me. She tensed up when she heard the name Isabella. Ok...weird. 

Isabella, looked at her and reluctantly nodded her head. I took a chance to walk towards a secret passage way in the middle of an empty hallway and pushed the brick that would open the door to it. 

I stepped inside and looked back to make sure she was following me. 

After walking for 30 seconds the door closed behind us and it became dark. We walked until we got to this garden with a gazebo in the middle of it. 

"Wow." Isabella said under her breath as she looked around. 

"How have you been? Is Aiden treating you well?" I asked, walking inside of the gazebo and leaning against one of the railings. 

"I'm good." she said, but I could barely hear her. Her voice was in a whisper. 

I lost it and pulled her close to me, her face inches away. 

"Where have you been in my life. I miss you every fucking day, it's killing me." I said, looking into her eyes. 

She tried to push me away. 

"What's wrong? Did I do something to you?" I asked, questions filling my head like wildfire spreading in a forest. 

"Umm, I..." she started but I took her mask off swiftly and when I looked up, I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. 

"SKYLAR?!" I shouted. 

"Hi.." she said shyly and waved. 

"But then..." I began to say but saw something in the corner of my eye. Someone, I should say. 

"YOU..." I said trying to put my thoughts into words. 

The mysterious girl came out of the shadows and looked at Skylar and I. 

Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong.

12 O'clock. Midnight. 

The girls eyes widened as she heard the bells and ran the way she came from. 

"WAIT!" I called back to her and chased her all the way. 

Her fair flew like the waved of the ocean as she ran straight through the hallway and into the crowd. 

I skidded to a stop as I reached the crowded area.

"Prince Jackson."

"It's him."

"Wow, he's grown into such a dashing young man." 

People began crowding around me. I almost lost sight of her until I saw a splash of blue heading out the door. 

"Shit! Excuse me. Pardon. Thank you." I said and the crowd made way for me.

They watched me chase after Cinderella, but as it goes in the story. She ran right out the doors and into her carriage. Midnight was the deadline. 

I stopped at the front doors and saw a helicopter fly away into the distance. 

Ok....that's new. Where's the pumpkin? I thought. No! No time for jokes. 

I deeply sighed and looked down to see a sparkling object catch my eye on the stairs.

It was a glass slipper. 


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-S.Dragon ;)

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