Chapter 9

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May 20th (Thursday)

Hello, dearest and only journal. It's been a week and I haven't been able to write in you cuz of the vacation. Yea, it was fun.....well until the devil's sluts came and ruined it. 

Don't say I'm rude, it's true and I may...MAY...have wanted to spend time with Cinderella. Sighs her voice is so sweet but cool at the same time. Like, she's not a slut, she probably never did the do before but she's not the shiest, she has a tome boy feel. Oh, did I mention we basically like the same things.

Movies: Action and Adventure

Video games: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Sport: Football

Superhero: Spider Man

Sighs, she's perfect. Shut up, J. You sound like a starstruck girly girl who obsesses over the slightest things.

The whole week was basically fun. After the beach we went out to a restaurant, with the twins and the evil step mother. The next day's we went on tour around the island. I even got to surf. 

Sighs. But Cinderella did not put on a bikini the whole time, don't get me wrong, I like a girl with modesty but I wanted to see her in it. 

I bet she would look smokin' capital H-O-T. Hot. 

Today's,.......uhhh....Thursday. Yep. New day, new beginning, new adventure with the beautiful maiden, Cinderella. 

Her "family" or whatever you want to call them are out the whole day. Vi and Vaness are going to another party, and no I did not give them "Pet Names" it's just too long to write...but continuing. and the mother is going to go shopping in Paris,France. 

Wow, and I thought I was spoiled. 

Well, I best be off. OH! Wait! My dad called me today....This is how it went


Ring Ring, Ring Ring.

That was the sound of my phone ringing. 

"Hello." I said, picking up the phone at the fourth ring. 

"Hey son, how are you?" my father spoke, nervously. 

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm okay. Are you good?" I asked suspiciously. 

"No, no; I'm fine..." he spoke but was cut off from a person in the background. 

"Tell him!" the voice said. 

"No! Are you mad!"

 "He'll find out sooner or later!" 

"Still! He's my son, and I know my son will freak out!" 

"DAD!" I shouted into the phone. "What do you need to tell me now?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. 

"W-well; we are.....bringing your motorcycle for you." he said. 

I knew there was something else, but I didn't push him. "Really?" I said, with a cheerful voice. 

"Yes, son. It's coming in a few hours." he replied, chuckling.

"Wow, that's great. Thanks dad!" I said.

"No problem son. It's was the least I can do because I forced you to live there." he told me. Damn right it's your fault. 

And that's where we said our goodbyes; ending with me awaiting the door bell presenting me with my carriage.


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