Chapter 19

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May 25th (Tuesday)

Dear Journal, I have been pronounced the Prince of London. Yea, big news. Turns out my great-great-great grandfather wrote in his will that he wanted me...ME....outta all people, to rule this country.

So I guess my life turned into the Prince diaries, huh? 

Anyways, yesterday was probably the......saddest.....depressing...I don't of my life. 

Let's continue with my life story, shall we?


We were currently sitting in the limousine, with me eyeing my dad like a WWE wrestler about to attack and him looking down at his phone with a stressful face. 

"Dad." I said and he snapped his head up, giving me an apologetic smile. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 

"Explain. Now." I said, bluntly. He let out a sigh of defeat, putting his phone in his back pocket. 

"Well if you must know, your great-great-great grandfather, Micheal Harrington was king of London for some time until his death. In his will, he had written how his great grandson, which is you, will take the throne, and become crowned prince until you are fit to rule." he explained and waited for a response. When he didn't get one, he continued. 

"Since you are that grandson, you will have to learn how to rule a kingdom and soon become king." he finished.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. WAIT!" I kept repeating in different tones. I couldn't believe my freaking ears.

"ME?! PRINCE?! SOON TO BE KING!? DAD, DID YOU EVER ASK ME?!" I shouted as the driver looked at us through the corner of his eyes. 

" have no choice. I already said yes." he said. I clenched my jaw extremely hard I thought I heard something crack.

"Your aunt and uncle are currently king and queen of London so they will take care of you and teach you how to be a good Prince, Jackson." he said, averting his eyes again. 

I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't worry dad...maybe I'll even have fun or some shit." I said and he smiled in amusement. The door soon opened and I walked towards the jet that would take me to my new life. 

All this time, me thinking about the day I meet Cinderella again.


 "According to the legend of London was founded by about 1000–1100 B.C. after he defeated the native giant; the settlement was known as Caer Troia, Troia Nova ( for New ), which, according to a pseudo-etymology, was corrupted to were the Iron Age tribe who inhabited the area prior to the Romans. Geoffrey provides prehistoric London with a rich array of legendary kings, such as King (see also ) who, he claims, renamed the town Caer Ludein, from which London was derived, and was buried at ."

The fuck, I thought as I flipped through the many pages of London's history. 

You guessed it, the lessons start now. 

I've been reading and reading till my eyes feel like it'll fall off with the lack of sleep. 

They told me to read about twenty books just to "brush up" on the country's history. 

"Brush up" my ass, I thought as I closed the book and fell on my King sized bed. 

It's currently three day's from the day I left California and went on the jet to my doom. Let's recap on that day shall we?


I got off the jet into this castle that was isolated from the kingdom; a bridge was it's only connection. But damn was it huge. 

"Imagine all this, could be yours." he said to me, putting a hand on my shoulder and gesturing to the vastness of the kingdom with his other. 

"Mmhm." I said, absentmindedly. Looking, now, at the castle. The Taj Mahal got nothing on this, I thought, as we walked towards the front gate's that held my future. 

I began fixing my hair and adjusting my shirt, suddenly becoming self-conscious. 

As we walked inside the massive guestroom, we sat down on the leather couches. I could get used to this, I thought as I laid on the sofa. 

"Jackson, manners." my dad urged, looking if anyone was here.

"No, no it's fine Mr. Taylors, after all this will be Jackson's new home for the rest of his life." I heard a man speak and I immediately stood up, to see the king before me. 

"Your Highness." I said, bowing down. Well, that is until I heard a bellowing laughter. 

"No need for that Jackson. But it is you who should get used to the profound curtsy." he said, giving me a happy smile. 

"Do I have to talk like that too or.." I leaned near my dad and whispered only to receive a light chuckle from the amused king.

"So, Xavier when will we meet your wife?" my dad asked, shaking the king's hand. 

"Oh yea, you know how women are, always fashionably late." he said, with another chuckle. Talk about the jolly king. 

"And that's the way it should be." an amused feminine voice said from the stairs as heels clicked all the way down. 

"Silly me, we're waiting for the new Prince, hello dear." she said, shaking my hand. I looked at her stomach area because she looked....

"Pregnant." she said, reading my mind. I looked at her face to see a very drastic comparison of my mother. 

"Your mother was my twin sister." she said, again knowing my thoughts. I smiled. I knew I was gonna like her, I thought as I shook her firm hand. 

"Question: Since you have a baby isn't he supposed to be the Prince and not me." I said, trying to sound quiet and unspoken. 

The couple looked at each other sadly. 

"She, Jackson. It's a girl." she said sadly. 

I decided to set the mood better and said. "And I'm sure she'll have your beautiful eyes and his wonderful personality." I told the two and they smiled gratefully. 

I know how to charm my way into things. 

"Thomas! Show Jackson a tour of his castle and the books he will be expected to learn to be Prince." King Xavier said and turned back to me. 

"Next week, we will tell the world about our new Prince." he smiled as he took his wife's hand and walked away happily. 

I gulped. This is gonna be one rough week, I thought as I followed Thomas the butler around the massive castle and it's many corridors. 


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-S.Dragon ;)

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