Chapter 37

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April 10th (Wednesday)

These past days I've been stressed. My head hurts a lot and I feel like it will make me go insane. I can't focus on anything except that girl. 


So, this is what love feels like. 

I still wonder about Isabella and if they treat her right, if she's doing okay. 

Life is no fairy tale. 



"But you didn't even try the slipper on me." Vanessa argues and stomps her foot on the ground like a child.

"I know it's not you, now stop wasting my time." I said, resting my chin on my hands with my elbow propped, my other hand gesturing to the door. 

"That's not fair!" she shouted causing an echo in the silent ball room. 

I sighed. "Okay give me your foot." I said, rolling my eyes.

She smirked and stuck her foot out. 

"Would you look at that." I smiled and she began to smile. "Doesn't fit. Next!" I said shrugging with an evil smile. 

"Humph. Give me that!" she said snatching the shoe. 

"It can fit." she said try to fit the shoe on but it wouldn't go in. Her foot was too big. 

"Vanessa. Give it up." I said, losing patience. 

"No! I will marry you! Whose fucking foot is this small anyways!" she insisted. 

"Guards." I said, boringly. 

They took her by the arms and I watched them as they dragged her away. 

She's a bitch. 

"Next." I said and Violet came, looking worried. 

"You too?" I asked. 

She looked at me with an expression that said "I know right"

I placed the shoes but it was too small. 

"Doesn't fit. It wasn't going to anyway." I said. She shrugged like she knew what was going to happen. 

"N-" I began but was cut off. 

"Jackson, um.. we need to talk." my aunt called to me. 

"Okay. Girls sorry but next time ok." I said shooing them off. 

I walked towards the dining room where my aunt and uncle sat with...another couple who looked to be in their mid-30s. 

"What's up?" I asked, looking confused. 

"Umm. You know Aiden right?" the King asked. 

"Yes." I said, slowly. 

"Well, Jackson, we feel as if you aren't taking your Prince responsibilities...seriously. Don't get me wrong finding the girl is important,but with your condition and emotional stability, I think it would be best to give Aiden the title to the throne." my uncle said.

"What the fuck?" I immediately asked. 

"Jackson!" my aunt said, obviously embarrassed. 

"I don't care. Why do you think I'm not emotionally stable? And this whole Princess thing will end in a weeks time. You think Aiden can actually rule a whole fucking kingdom?!" I argued. 

"Well, we know our son is capable at doing so. He is a good leader. He has been educated with the finest knowledge and he..." the woman of the couple began. 

"I don't give a shit if he's educated. He's not trustworthy. He doesn't take anything seriously. He's too forceful and lastly, he's a rich, spoiled fucking asshole who frankly, I don't even like." 

"No one cares if you don't like him, Jackson. We are thinking about the good of our kingdom." the woman argued. 

"He's the same age as me and has the same knowledge. Why don't you think I would do a better job than him." I asked, shouting at our guests.

"I-I, w-well you are not well, as you Aunt and Uncle have already sai.." she began but stuttered as she was losing her confidence fast. 

"That's not a valid argument." I spit. 

They all looked at me in silence. 

I scoff and turn away to leave. 

"Jackson, we..." my aunt said, grasping my arm. 

"Leave me alone." I said, loosening her hold and ran all the way upstairs to my room. 

My throne was on the line and to none other than Aiden Prince. 

This is bad. Really bad. 


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-S.Dragon ;)

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