Chapter 28

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"Jacky...what's wrong?" my one night stand asked. I was just not feeling this one. She was a bad fuck. #regret. 

"I gotta go. Sorry." I said with a blank face as I took my pants and t-shirt from the ground and walked out of the hotel room leaving the girl in shock. 

I was....hopeless. I wasn't happy. I was desperate. Walking home, the sun began to rise. 

When I got to the castle it was already dawn. I went towards the side where no guards were there and pulled myself up to my room. 

Funny thing is I remembered this scene from when my mom forced me to watch Princess Diaries. 

When I got to my room, I heard foot steps coming up. Oh shit, I thought as I quickly took my shirt off and jumped into bed covering my face in the pillow as the sun shined in my eyes. 

There were three knocks at my door. It was Thomas (Butler). 

"Yes?" I tried sounding as if I just woke up. 

"Your highness, the King and Queen will like to speak with you in the great hall."

"Uhm...okay." I said, sort of nervous. What if they know of my sneaky nights. I'll be in a shitload of trouble. 

Quickly taking a shower I walked downstairs.....more like ran and almost crashed into Thomas.

"Sire, are you alright?" he asked in his monotoned British accent. 

"No. I mean, yes. Yes. I'm fine." I said, being a bit flustered. 

Thomas leaned in slightly to whisper to me. "Don't worry. It's not about your outings." he said and I jumped. 

He smirked. "Yes, I know. Now go.....your highness." he teased. 

I sighed and chuckled as I went towards the biggest room in the castle. The Hall. Where all of the important events are held. 

"Jackson, sweetheart! We have a surprise for you!" Queen Ariel told me, wrapping an arm around me. 

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my nervousness down. 

"We're going to have a Masquerade Party in your honor!" she said with the same energy of enthusiasm. 

"Ohhh. Really?" I said, trying to act excited but really, I was faking it. I never really like the whole formal party kind of thing. It's not a party unless there's vodka. 

"Yes! And who knows, you might even find your Cinderella." King Xavier wiggled his eyebrows towards me. 

I chuckled on the outside. Inside, I knew I had already found my Cinderella. It's just that my Cinderella hasn't found the real me yet. 

Oh well, let's see what happens at this Masquerade ball. 

It should be fun....right?


Hello my Royal readers. 

Here's a twist. I want to see what goes on in your creative minds. Soooo, comment down below what you will think will happen in the party. 

Who knows, I might go with one of your suggestions. 

Vote, Comment, and Follow.

-S.Dragon ;)

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