Chapter 12

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"Aiden!" Isabella shrieked as I made my way downstairs. 

I saw her wrapping her arms around the persons neck and he spun her around. My heart was sinking as I saw the scene.

"Mmm...belle, I missed you!" he said, putting her down and kissing her head. 

They both smiled and I looked at them, leaning my elbow against the stair railing. 

Her boyfriend, looked at me and them back at Isabella in confusion, a small frown forming on his lips. 

"Oh! Aiden this is Jackson. He's staying with us a few weeks. His dad and my dad work together." she said and his frown slowly curved upwards.

"Oh, nice to meet ya." he said and I shook his hand, giving him one of our manly hugs. I don't really know how to explain it, but it's known world wide for all men. 

"Same goes to you." I said, forcing a smile onto my face. 

"Well, let's watch a movie." Isabelle said as she walked towards the living room with me and Aiden following her trail. You don't know how much I despise the human walking behind me. 

"I'll get the popcorn." she says, turning to walk to the kitchen, leaving me and Aiden to find a seat on the couch. 

"So, you like California?" he asked, trying to make small talk. "Yea, Yea." I said, nodding my head, looking at him. 

"I saw your Suzuki outside. I can't believe you have the newest model." he said with amazement. Ha, be jealous man whore.

Ring ring. His phone rang, thanking it mentally. 

"'Cuse me." he said and walked away from the couch. He was in the dining room. 

"Yea, hey...babe." he said, the last word barely audible. I arched my eyebrow, clenching my jaw. A scowl appeared on my face. That fucking cheater.

"Yea, I'm on for tonight.............No, I can't talk right now.........I'm busy...............yea. I gotta go, bye." Aiden said, ending the call.

I stood up, closing my hand into a fist. "Why?" I asked. 

"Why what?" he asked, looking at me in confusion. 

"Why are you cheating?" I said, speaking through gritted teeth. 

"Don't tell, please." he said, pleading my with his eyes. That unbelievable motherfucker.

"What the fuck is the matter with you." I said, stepping towards him, my fist raising. 

"Hey, so I didn't have any popcorn left so I decided to get chips. That okay?" Isabella asked, looking at the tray of chips and soda giving time for me and Aiden to sit back in our seats.

"Heeeeyyyy, babe. Yea, that's cool. Right, Jackson?" Aiden asked. He was actually asking if I wouldn't tell her with his eyes. 

I let out my breath, only audible to Aiden. "Yea." I said, forcing a fake smile, looking at him. "That's fine." I added and he sighed in relief. 

Isabelle smiled at us and set the tray down, sitting in between us and laying her head on Aiden's chest whilst taking the remote and turning it on to "Speed" a 1994 movie. I loved that movie, even though it was so old. 

I leaned against the sofa and stared at the screen as I felt Aiden staring at me. I turned at him, arching my eyebrow. 

He turned back to the movie.


After an hour and a half the movie ended. Cinderella was fast asleep and Aiden decided it was best for him to go before the steps came back. He laid Isabella in her room and tucked her in, planting  a kiss on her cheek as she said goodbye to him, before drifting back to sleep. 

I couldn't take this and I ran down the stairs. 

"Dude." I heard Aiden as I walked towards the front door. Anger raged inside of me. I'm not jealous; he's cheating on her. That little prick. 

"Dude." he called again as I started to walk across the pavement. 

"Jackson!" he shouted and I stopped, not turning around. 

"Don't tell her, she'll be devastated." Aiden tried reasoning. 

"Then why do it in the first place." I said raising my voice as I spun on my heels, my chest rising up and down quickly, angry racing through me. 

"I..." he began, scared at my venomous glare. It's good I have this affect on him. 

"I met another girl, I really like her." he started and looked down. 

"I was going to tell Belle but that day her father married her step mother and she was in a crying fit. I couldn't break her anymore, so I stayed." he reasoned. That was a good reason but..

"Don't you think she would be in an even worse state if she found out now?" I asked. Aiden opened his mouth to speak. 

"And you're only dating her for sex; why would you even care if her heart can't take the sadness?" I asked. 

He looked guilty. Good, face the hard fact. 

"I-Just don't tell her. Do it for Isabella. Please." he tried. His voice sounding genuine. 

I sighed, the sigh of defeat. I looked at him.

"Fine. But if you break her; I will so much as to break your face." I snarled at him, clenching my hand to a fist again. 

"I wont." he said and turned around, walking to his car. 

"Have fun with that slut tonight." I said, when he drove away. 

If only I could tell Cinderella, but that would only break her already broken heart. I wouldn't want to be the cause of it. 

I sighed looking at the ground, hands in pocket, I walked back to the house; shaking my head in disbelief. 

Who would want to cheat on Cinderella?


Team Aiden and Cinderella Or Team Jackson and Cinderella 

Find a good ship name, I'm not good at that.

Vote, Comment, and Follow. 

-S.Dragon ;)

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