Chapter 10

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"Yo, where are we going!?" Isabella yelled from behind me. 

We were currently on my motorcycle and she was holding me by the waist. We were "going to run her errands." Yea, caught the sarcasm and the air quotes. 

"To run your errands!" I shouted since the wind wouldn't shut up. 

"This isn't the way to the hardware store!" she said, observing the roads I was taking.

"I still don't get it. A girl like you should be rich and chilling by the pool, drinking champagne and enjoying life." I told her when we stopped at a red light. 

"Haha. Well, I'm not the girl in your fantasies." she said and put her head on my back. Oh, she had no idea what my "fantasies" were about, I thought mischievously.

"So,uh...tell me about this boyfriend . When do I get to meet him?" I asked her when the light turned green and I raced off. I didn't know where I was going but I had seen a mall around here somewhere when the limo took me here. 

"Uh... you want to meet him?" she said in monotone. 

"Yea, I mean, he's your love, your dating him. Shouldn't I get to see him?" I asked slightly turning  my head towards her. She was looking at the gray road ahead. 

"Don't worry, I wont tell." I said, thinking that was the reason. I bet her stepmother would kill her if she found out. 

"No, no it's not that. I just..." she started to explain but I came to an immediate stop as I almost hit this car. 

"What the fuck!" I shouted. "It's a red light you fucking idiot! Dumb ass!" I yelled angrily. 

I felt hands covering my mouth and a smile grew behind them. "What are you doing?" I tried asking but instead it came out "Mmmhmm mmmh mmh mmhm"

"Jessica is gonna hear you, her poor innocent ears." she said and chuckled. Mentioning my beautiful motorcycle in the process.

I rolled my eyes and lick her hands. 

"EW! What the fuck, Jack!" she yelled and wiped her hands on my arms and shoulder. 

I laughed evilly and smirked. 

Before she could say anything I spotted the mall with the many stores there. 

"There it is!" I said nodding my head towards it. 

"No." she said and I smirked once again. "No,no,no,no. NO, CAPITAL N-O! I am not shopping!" she pleaded but I drove faster. 

I parked in an empty spot and swung my leg off, standing firmly on the ground. 

"No." she said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

"Come on, Cinderella." I said and put my hands on the seat I sat on and leaned against my Suzuki.

"Mm mm." she said and shook her head no.

I rolled my eyes and lifted her out of the seat by her waist. 

"JACK, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" she yelled in a whispered volume. 

"Then I'm dead." I said and placed her on he ground. She was as light as a feather.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. 

I began looking around at all the stores and turned back to her. 

"So, what do you wanna do first?" I asked and earned a glare from her. 

I decided to drag her towards an actual breakfast and not what they let her eat. 

We started small talk....and by we, I mean me. 

"So, do you have....friends?" I asked awkwardly. Yea, Jackson, why don't you ask how much she weighs or if she plucks her eyebrows. Make it more awkward. 

"Other than" she said, picking up a fry and popping it in her mouth. 

"So, you think I'm your friend." I said trying to hide the joy that built up inside me. 

"Mmhm." she said nodding and giving me a closed smile, but it soon disappeared as she said "If that's okay with you.." she said, trying not to make eye contact. 

"Yea, it's better than okay." I replied and her body relaxed. 

"But seriously, you need a girl best friend. You know the one that talks to you about everything, your opposite." I told her and taking a few fries too. 

"You know this how?" she asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow and sipping her soda through the straw. 

"Movies, books, etc." I said waving the fry in my hand like a public speaker. 

Isabella smirked. "Okay, but where do I find one?" she asked me. 

I exhaled and put the fry down, looking around for girls. Well my search wasn't long because I saw twenty of them hiding behind the bushes. 

Uhh...okay, I thought and spotted a shoe store. 

"Hey Cinderella, why don't we get your glass slippers." I said point my thumb towards the shoe place. 

She put her hoodie on her head and got up looking down. I got up too and the girls gasped. 

I sighed and looked at the bushes where all of them were watching me and winked. If that's what they wanted; they got it.

One of the girls had fainted. She FAINTED. What the fuck was that all about. 

"Maybe we can find your fairy godmother....." I said, walking towards the shoe stores. I swear everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. 

I knocked Isabella's hoodie off her head. "Really?" she said, pulling the sides of her sweater closer to her chest. 

"Yup." I replied, popping the "p".

"Welcome to "It's a Shoe In", where we'll find your perfect pair of glass slippers." she said, with a wink to Isabelle and smiled at me. She wasn't gawking at me but acted in friendly way, it was welcoming.

I smirked and glanced at Cinderella, who nudged me with her elbow into my rib. God, that hurt, sorta. Man up, bro!

"Is there something wrong." the cheerful girl asked in a cheerful manner. Preppy, I thought.

"Uh, no, it's----I like you hair, it's cool." Isabelle replied, examining her hot pink, girly girl dyed hair. 

"Oh thank you. I love the color of your eyes. I was thinking to dye my hair that." the girl replied, touching up her hair. 

I slightly moved away. This was her chance to make an actual friend. Not being rude, but you can't deny the truth. I started looking at these blue converses. 

This is a girl's shoe shop, I don't know where to look. 

"Oh, thanks." Isabelle replied smiling. 

The girl chuckled. "My names Skylar, what's yours?" she asked, holding a hand out to her. 

"Isabella." she replied. 

"Oh, mind if I call you, Issy?" she asked. "No, not at all, it actually sounds nice."

The whole time I was smiling as the girls chatted away. Skylar was currently off duty. I was happy she finally found a friend, but what about her boyfriend; I thought.


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-S.Dragon ;)

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