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A/N (oct.18.2015) : Just a note that this story was written a few years back and I am actually in the process of rewriting this. The newly rewritten parts will be posted separately under the title "180". Please redirect there or read this if you are impatient on knowing what will happen in the story. Also I suggest giving my new story "Forgive Me" a check as my main priority will actually be that.


Okay so I'm not sure if any of you guys realized this yet, but yes I am a werewolf, but sadly even with the great strength from being one, I haven't yet defended myself from my abusive father. Sometimes I feel like I can't even call him my father anymore, but at the same time, he is...well biologically. Other than that part, he acts nothing like one. There's those times when he's always out till late and there's also those times when he comes back drunk with some random whore, or maybe even when he just out of nowhere, suddenly yells at me. To add to that, there's the painful times when I practically almost beaten to my death, from all the punches he's swings at me.

I don't tell anyone about my situation though. My father is the only person I have left, in this world...technically. I've gotten out of touch with every single relative around...including my own mother and sister. These days I even pretend they don't exist. Let's just say when mom left us with Cassie, dad wasn't happy, then from that day on, hell took over my life. It is that when your mate leaves you when it pains you most, and that's what happened to my father. I have no idea why my mother wanted to leave (since dad only loved her with all his heart) but she did and it almost killed him, which resolved him into thinking and acting differently as he started losing his wolf. Now I don't even think he's able to shift anymore, the only hope would be if he reunites with my mother, which in a way I encourage and in a way I don't. I mean to think of it, she left and didn't come back. From what I know of right now, she's married happily with some human whereas my father, he's slowly killing himself and me. Yet if she does come back, there may be a possiblity of us living as a happy family Who am I kidding, nothing will ever be the same. She left me to fend for myself against my father who doesn't even stay sober half the time. That happened for the last 2 years.

Now I'm Seventeen. As I said before I'm a werewolf, yes I actually shift into a wolf; no my wolf isn't huge. Anyways as wolves we have soulmates, I found mine. Just see how this all began not long ago...

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