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 Haters To Mates - Part 13

"Uncle Mason!"

"Jezzy, where are you? Shouldn't be here, at school right now? Didn't you know you're not supposed to use your cellphone?" he asked in a mocking tone.

"I know, but I'm not at school."

"Sweetie, you know I can't allow you to just ditch school. Get yourself here right now before you are late for classes."

"Uncle Mason, the reason I called is... I have to bring dad to the doctor's, or even the hospital. ? His coughing, the cance...I just can't go to school today." I said tears daring to fill up my eyes again.

"He finally told you?"

"He wouldn't have told me if I didn't insist that he should go to the doctors for a check up."

Uncle Mason sighed over the phone. "Jez, I'm sorry, I really wish I was able to leave school right now and go with you guys, but I can't. There's a meeting and well also other than that, I can't really leave the school just like that. But text me the details later, and I'll meet up with you guys."

I nodded my head, stating I understood, but Cam tapped my shoulder with one hand and motioned to my phone. Oh yeah. He can't see me.

"Yeah it's fine. Also Uncle Mason, Cam's driving us there, so do you mind excusing him too?"

"Understood and done. Now take care you guys, I'll see you later."

"Bye," I spoke softly into the phone. I tapped the end button and turned to Cam.

"How long 'till we're there?" I asked looking at the back, eyeing my dad.

"A minute or two, don't worry." he reassured placing a hand on my lap.

I put my hands over his and gave my dad a worried look. He was looking weaker and weaker by second. Pale skin, dried lips with some blood on it. Used up tissues all over the place, and well everything. All this coughing is just sick. What if even if we try to kill all those cancer cells in him, he dies? What if the chemo fails? Also, where the heck am I going to get all this money.

Cam seemed to have read my mind, for the fact he put a hand over my cheek and turned my face towards him.

"Don't worry about the moeny part alright? I'll help. We'll make sure James lives. I mean he just haven't met the 'best dad in the world' spot yet. Has he?" he asked jokingy.

Dad must've heard him for the fact he just laughing ever so softly while coughing a bit in between.

"I don't think I will be well enough to be the best dad," he said tears welling up.

Cam pulled over, and got out of the car helping my dad out. I honstly had no idea how weak my dad actually was.

We entered the doors of the clinic my dad told us to bring him to. Pasted on the glass doors, the name Dr. Drew Sanders was in bright red. Drew Sanders, one heck of a familiar name. Who knows.

I moved an arm to support dad. He grunted and put a hand to move mine.

"Dad, what's wrong?"


"Right." I said unconvinced. "You guys sit here, Imma go talk to the front."


"James, I'm afraid I can't help you. This is getting really serious and I suggest you go to the hospital and well; this needs deep treatment. Or else..I don't know how to place this...uhh.. your life may end." Dr. Sanders said patting my dad's back.

"Is there no other choices?"

"I'm afraid not," the doctor said running a hand through his hair.

I watched my dad's reaction carefully while grasping onto Cam. Cam wrapped an arm around me as I breathed in and out slowly. Standing beside him calms me down.

"You know what, okay. I'll go. I mean if I don't fight I won't be able to take the job of being best daddy in the world, right Jez?"

I didn't answer all I could do was smile. Let the fight begin.

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