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Haters To Mates - Part 17

I clutched my stomach as I looked at the pregnancy test in horror.

" | | "

Oh shoot. Oh shoot, grandad's going to kill me. Uncle Mason might as well murder Cam. Oh shoot, end of the world.

"J, what's taking you so long in there?" I heard Cam ask from outside the washroom door.

I pinched myself hoping this was all a dream, and next I would just wake up in bed next to my boyfriend again.

"Nothing," I shouted as I threw the test into the drawers where Cam never checks 'cause he thinks I put my female necessities in there.

"Jez don't lie to me, that slam of the drawers wasn't nothing, and I can sense that you're lying," he replied now knocking on the door.

"It really wasn't anything!" I exclaimed rushing to find a better spot for the test.

"Open the door!" he demanded attempting to open the door.

"No way," I said as I bit my lip still looking for a place to throw the pregnacy test.

Suddenly I heard the door click. Oh fudge. Without thinking I threw the test into the bathtub and closed the curtain.

When Cam walked up to me, I was shaking. Ugh. Stop shaking! He'll just see right through you!

"J, babe. What are you hiding from me?" he asked as he reached for my face.

I quickly turned my head away, as I kept shaking. "N-nothing," I finally managed to say.

Loosing his patience, he gentally forced me to look at him in the eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong," he whispered his eyes filled with love.

I opened my mouth to talk, but realised if I spoke, my voice would crack; then I would end up bursting to tears. So I just pointed over to the bathtub.

He looked at me worried as his hand trailed down my arm and wrapped around my wrist, as his other hand reached over to push the curtain away.

I shook as he took a step closer to the bathtub, pulling me with him.

His eyes went wide as he spot the test, "Ohlala and what's this?"

Surprised by the tone of his voice, and his choice or words I burst into laughter, while some of my tears fell out.

I let go off my wrist and grabbed the stick out of the bathtub.

He looked at it curiously but was smiling, "Wait. What does 2 lines mean?"

I spat out a gush of air and passed him the box it came it. He pretended to make a big deal of having to hold these stuff, which made me giggle uncontrolably.

His eyes shot wider, (if that was even possible) when he skimmed the words on the box.

"Holy. Sh*t," he muttered jaw hanging as he dropped the test and the box.

Oh craaap. He doesn't want the kid! What am I supposed to do! Oh shoot. I did the first thing that came to my mind and dived for the bed, and sobbed into the pillows. I started throwing my head on the pillow tears streaming down my face.

I heard a few russles stating that Cam was going through the garbage can looking through the rest of the tests that I used, as I kept thinking negative.

"Jez stop smashing your head to the pillows!"

I ignored him as I tried to rip my hair out.

He flipped me over in frustration and held my face.

"You stop crying, and listen to me." he said leeting go off me.

I sniffed but looked at him, "W-what."

"I love you and I didn't think we'd actually have a baby this early in life, but really. I believe in us, and we can raise the baby together, if you want. Now stop crying, stop making it like I hate kids or something."

I wiped my tears on m sleeves and stared at him in shock, "R-really?"

He nodded as he brought me to his arms and kissed the side of my head.

"S-so you're not mad at me for out of nowhere being preggo, which might end up holding back your dreams?"

"It takes two to tango," he joked bringing me in for a kiss.

I pushed him away, and pointed at myself, "I'm a mess."

"Don't care," he mumbled placing his lips to mine.

What would I do without him.

"Now go shower, I'll meet you downstairs," he mumbled kissing my forehead and walking away.

I sighed as I walked over to my closet to get my pj's. Really what would I do without him...

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