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Haters To Mates - Part 7

~Cam's Pov~

I picked up the 2 bottles of nestle and walked towards where Jez was sitting. When I reached the spot, but Jez wasn't there. I looked around. Front and back. Left and right. Where is she! I took a whiff of the air and couldn't catch her scent. Usually her sweet scent is quite strong to me since we're mates, but apparently right now I can't catch it at all. It seems to be mixed with some stink, and well she doesn't seem to be nearby. I took out my cellphone and texted Paul and Megan to meet me at where I was standing right now. Within a minute I found them running towards me.

"Where is she!" Megan screamed eyes full of concern.

"I have no idea..." I said quietly.

"Follow her scent." Paul ordered looking around.

I immdiately changed and started sniffing turning side to side, then approached a big white building.

I was about to barge in the doors, but I found someone coming close by, all 3 of us rushed to a spot behind a tree and I stuck out my head to look. That 'person' was Kayla. This has gotta be one of her evil plans. I watched as she unlocked the doors of the building and she entered. I shuffled closer and peeked in.

I heard Kayla mutter a few words that I couldn't make out and I saw her reach into her pocket and pulled out a black object that looked dangerously close to a gun. Where the hell did this girl get a gun! I looked at Jez and found her face pale. She stood still and closed her eyes slowly. Okay Cam, think fast. Uh.. I charged to Kayla,shoved her over, and bit into her leg making her scream in pain, and pull the trigger of the gun.

Oh sh*t. I froze and looked up. Where did the bullet fly to? I released Kayla's ankle at once and rushed over to Jez's side. I scanned over her body, making sure there was no blood. Then I put a paw on her leg and she looked down.


I nodded and she bent down and hugged me tight into her chest.

She sobbed, tears dripping on my fur, but I didn't mind. She might be in shock. I don't know. With the corner of my eyes, I found Kayla noticing that we were so called 'distracted' and she ran for it. Limping the whole way, she made it. I made no attempt of running after her and killing her. That will be saved later after Jez calms down. I snuggled myself to her and we sat there for a period of time.

~Jez's Pov~

I stood there shocked. I glanced over at Cam once more and I sobbed into his fur. Tears dripped down my face and right onto his soft fur. I clutched onto him as we held in place for minutes.

Soon I stopped crying. I was drained. Cam looked at me with his soft topazed coloured eyes and whimpered. He's telling me he feels my pain. Crap. I smiled softly at him and we both exited the hellhole. He went behind me and pushed me with his snout; pushing me to behind a tree.

I raised an eyebrow at him, not having a single idea about what he may do next. Then before I knew it, he shifted. My eyes shot wide, as he stood in front of me, just pure naked glory. I snapped my eyes away from him as Paul popped up giving him clothes.

Cam thanks him and he started to dress while I let my eyes wander anywhere but him.

"You can look now," he said smirking cockily.

I then walked up to him and hugged him. It feels good to be in someone you trust's arms again...

"Help me!" someone screamed.

Okay, so I was hoping to get some peace and quiet.

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