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Haters To Mates - Part 15

Cam's Pov

"Cam! Holy crap! You're still here! D-dadd he's..he's gonna die! No $hit. No he's not! Ahh I'm thinking negative!" Jez screamed out running into my arms, tears streaming down her face.

"J, look at me," I whispered softly to her holding her face lightly with my hands.

She looked up, her eyes still shining with tears.

"J, no one wants this to happen, I'm sure he'd tried to fight it, but now the best we can do is stay strong and DO NOT burst to tears in front of him. He won't feel any better," I said looking deep into her eyes.

It hurts to see her cry.

She nodded and quickly wiped her tears away with her sleeves.

I search around in my backpack quickly for tissues, those sleeves are just making her eyes more red.

"Here, go to the washroom clean up and come back, I'll stall him and make sure he stays up," I said nudging her over to where the washroom was.

Watching her walk away torn, I entered the hospital room, to find James a wreck.

"Uh James, how do you feel?" I asked not sure what to say.

He coughed a few times, a weakly smiled, "Feel like hell is quickly approaching me."

"James, don't stop fighting, fight for yourself, fight for Jez."

He coughed again, but this time a bit of blood coming out. I rushed to his side, passing him a napkin.

"Now there smart@ss alpha, you know it's almost impossible," he said wiping the blood off his chin.

"Nothing's impossible, I learned that from experiences, and you should know that too." I reasoned, thinking of how I never thought I would've came from enemies to mates with Jez.

He scoffed and ignored my comment, "Make me a promise."

An eyebrow arched up, "And that is...?"

"Take care of Jez, and make sure she will not get hurt."

I nodded, "I love her and I plan on doing that even without you asking."

"Love huh? I once thought what me and Theresa was love, but I guess it didn't work out so well..."

"What you guys had, was the fact that you were too into your job and was filled with stress, but for us I'm sure it will be different."

"I hope so, but I'm sure Mason will make sure to fight you off with a stick if he has to."

I nodded, if that has to be done. It will be.

"Also, Jez will be staying will Mason after today."

"Don't say it like you won't live past this," I said, not sure I'm trying to convince him, or myself.

"I won't."

I sighed in frustration. "Just fight it won't cha?"

"I tried, a few months now I give up."

 "Okay...well..then...this may sound quite awkward right now, but if I was to one day ask to marry Jez, would you let me?" I asked hopeful.

He started laughing, "Even if I gave you no permission, I'm sure you would've done it anyways, so yeah you do have permission."

I nodded as Jez came back into the room. Her face wasn't red anymore, but her eyes were still kind of puffy but other than that everything seemed quite normal. I shift over for her to sit down on the chair that was beside the bed, and made way to the door, I'll leave those 2 to have some last minute words.


 -Jez's Pov-

"Daddy! Daddy! No don't leave me!" I yelled out as my dad's eyes started rolling back.

Tear started dripping down my face, unstopping. Cam burst into the room embracing me whispering soothing words to my ears. My eye sight started getting blurry, dad was talking to Uncle Mason, before he left, my phone was still in his hands, but as he fell weaker he just said 3 words to both me and Uncle Mason, and he was gone.

I Love You. Those words are flowing in my head, making me cry harder. His voice. Now I lost another family member. No mother, no siblings, no father, just a person who has my heart, and my uncle.

"He's dead." I whispered quietly to myself. Tears continuously staining my face.

"Baby girl, I'm sorry," Cam said resting his hands on my shoulders.

"I know, but he's just letting himself die, he's not even trying to fight it."

"He tried...this is all my fault I should've tried harder to look for a doctor who could help," he mumbled to himself.

I lifted my hands up touching his cheeks, pulling his head towards mine, I rest my forehead on his.

I shook my head disagreeing, "You've done all you could to help."

"Maybe I could'v-"

I placed a finger on his lips, "No. It was pretty much unpreventable, but at least he died a good person."

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