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Haters To Mates - Part 2

Off to work. As I drove into the parking lot of the restaurant that I employeed in, I found a familiar car parked in my usual spot. A car that seems to be like a new friend of mine's car. I got out of my car locking the door, and walked into the back of the restaurant to drop off my things.

I retrieved my notepad and pen, got dressed in all black and walked out ready to serve. As I walk out, someone catches my eye. Cam and the jocks. Holy crap. I cannot be seen by them. But apparently the table they're sitting is my assigned table. Just my luck.

"Welcome to Kelsey's, can i get you guys any drinks as you decide on your orders?" I asked avoiding eye contact.

"Coke'll be fine," one said not even looking up. I scribbled down coke. and waited for the others to tell their orders.

The others just said same and kept looking at their menu's. I nodded and walked off to 'make' their drinks. Grabbing 5 cups put out 1 by 1 under the drink dispenser and started humming atune.

Picking up the heavy tray, I placed the cups in front of each of them slowly.

I heard a ding signalling the food was ready, I went over to the kitchen and brought out all the dishes, well as much as I could take and the other girl who was on shift with me took the other dishes.

Both of us walked over to the table where Cam sat, and we placed the plates in front of them. When I was about to walk off, a pair of hands grabbed onto my wrist. The tingles going through me again, I knew who it was. I turned my head mid-way and raised my eyebrow at Cam. He chuckled and pointed at the guys. All the guys were looking at me and 2 of them handed me their cellphones. I gave them a 'are you kinding me' look, and they just smiled. Fine. I dialed in my number in one of the phones and walked off.


By the end of the work day. I've got my paycheck and was 'oh-so-happy'. Listening to music while driving my beat-up car home, I finally got there. I Dangled my keys in my hands as I made my way to the door. Shoving the key in, the lock won't budge. My luck. I dropped all my things to the floor, and worked on the lock. Finally it opened. Thank god. I wasn't planning to spend my night out here.

I picked up my bags and dived for my room, locking the doors, I went to my small closet. Taking a pair of pyjamas I headed for the washroom. Looking in the mirror, I found huge eyebags under my eyes. Dammit. I stripped off my clothes and went for a 10 minute shower.


Stepping out of the shower, I dried off and got dressed. Dumping everything into a pile in the corner of my room, I tucked myself in bed. About to drift off to sleep, my phone vibrated. Yes. I have enough money to have a nice phone, and a few others. Where does the moeny come from? Comes from all the jobs I've had ever since my mom left. Also she sends me money every month or so, just dad doesn't know. Or well, I hide it all in a back account, cause well if he knows anything. And I mean anything, the moenys gonner to alcohol. I open the text, its from an unknown caller. I clicked on it.

Unknown ID- How was the rest of work?

Me- uh. who r u. how'd u get my number. and how'd u know i work. o_O

Unknown ID- Cam, and I asked my friend.

Me- couldn't have asked for it yourself.

Unknown ID- no point.

Me- right.

Unknown ID- I'm just gonna go straight to the point. If I asked u out for tmr. Would you say yes?

I looked at it eyes wide. One date wouldn't hurt. Would it? I mean, I want to know what Kayla was willing to do for Cam...

Me- maybe...

Unknown ID- I''ll pick you up at 7

Me- maybe means maybe..not yes..and how the heck would you know where i live?!

Unknown ID- I just do.

Me- Stalker.

Unknown ID- ever heard of packs?

Me- What tells you Im a were'? anyways yeah. why? o.O

Unknown ID- Well, you see. My father's the eldest son of the previous alpha, and well, I'm the eldest son of my dads so.

Me- so ur going to be an alpha soon.

Unknown ID- yeup.

I yawned as I was about to question him to see if he would say that Kayla was his mate, but nah. I guess I would like some sleep. The question can wait 'till tomorrow.

Haters To MatesWhere stories live. Discover now