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Haters To Mates - Part 12

My father kept his words. For the past 2 weeks after that 'school incident' he has done loads to make my life all better. Along with Mr Peters- my uncle Mason. Ever since he and dad had some brother bonding time, I suppose we had a bit of bonding time too. Just like the old times, but technically a little awkward since I've grown older and some things just don't seem the same.

"Jezebelle, wake up," my dad managed to cough out.

He'd been coughing like that for quite awhile now, I think it should be time for the doctor's office.

"Dad, you're scaring me. You've been coughing like that for the last week now. Go to the doctor's. If not for your sake, for mine please." I said opening the door and hugging him tight.

"Sweetie, I'm fine," he said coughing again.

"No dad, just no. I'm not going to school; you're coming to the doctor's with me."

I saw fear creep into his eyes, but he blinked it away as quick as he could.

"Jez, it's not necessary " he said in a stern voice.

"Dad, no just no. Just let me get changed and we're off, got it?"

He stood there nibbling on his own lips, face turning pale.

"I think I have a few words to tell you before you drag me over to that hellhole."

"And what would that be?"

"I have already went to the doctors with Mason last week..."

"Why didn't you tell me, so I could've went with you?" I asked hurt filling my head. "No, you know what that's not what I'm concerned about right now...right now I want to know, what did the doctor say."

"I *cough* have *cough* lung *cough* *cough* *cough*." he tried continuing on but he couldn't stop coughing, I brought an arm up rubbing his back.

I stood there frozen. wait did he say lung? Lung what? Lung cancer? Tears started filling up my eyes as soon as that thought came into my head. No, no. It couldn't be. I mean...I ran off to the kitchen to get some water hoping water would help his coughing calm down.

"D-ad, ye-ou deeoon't mehh-eaan lung cancer do you?" I asked lips trembling, closing my eyes right shut afraid of whatever answer would come next.

He looked at me not talking, at last he nodded. "Sweetie I'm so sorry I wont be able to spend much more time with you." he said pulling me into an embrace kissing the top of my head.

Tears started welling up, "Oh dad, why you!" I said letting the tears spill. "Why now!" I screamed out hugging him tight. "Dad, there might be a cure. Somehow!" I said bringing his back over to his room, making both of us sit down.

He shook his head lightly. "No, sweetheart. There's no need to spend much mone-" He cut himself off by coughing again. Rubbing a hand up and down his back soothing him, he continued. "Mason already insisted to help, but the thing is, i've lived a long life.I got myself a great daughter and well the guilt of my past kills me inside if not for the cancer."

"No daddy, you will let them help you kill those ugly cancer cells. You will stay with me, and well grow old and oh some white hair." I said chuckling and winking trying to lighten the mood a tad bit.

"We don't have the money, save it up for college. Don-" he tried to say don't but started coughing again.

I shook my head. "No, we will give chemo a try or whatever it is."

He opened his mouth in attempt to talk again, but the coughing just came back to him again, but this time some dark red blood started oozing out of the corners of his mouth. I stared shocked at him. Raising a hand ever so gently I swiped the blood away. Inside me I started panicking. What to do. What to do. Ahhhh. Cam. Call Cam. He might be able to help. I hope.

"Dad, stay right here, I'll be back in a sec."

I ran back into my room, going deep into search for my cellphone. Where's that damn phone when I need it! Pushing everything to a side, I found it. Under my bed. How did it end up being there? Never mind.

Pressing 1 for speed dialing Cam, he picked up right away.

"This number you have dialled may not be reached at this moment, please leave a message after the beep...*beep*," I heard him say trying to hide his chuckles.

"Har. Har. No, I will not leave a message. This is important Cam. Where are you right now?" I asked fidgeting with the fingers still panicking inside.

He sighed, "Jez I swear you could be a fun kill sometimes, anyways I'm outside your house right now, why?"

"I'll tell you later but right now, I need you to get in the house," I said running down the stairs, crashing right into the door. I gave a frustrated groan, and with all my strength yanked the stubborn door open, on the way almost falling backwards. Arms of the guy I was bound to love saved me. He looked down at me smiling and I reached up to plant a kiss on his lips. His grip on me tightening I looked into his eyes, slowly turning darker, I quickly pulled away.

He tried pulling me back to him, but I started shaking his shoulders. Snapping awake he blinked a few times.

"What happened!" he yelled out making it like he's expecting some armed person to pop up trying to murder us.


He just looked at me and wrapped his arms around me, "So why did you tell me to get in here? Shouldn't we be heading to school?"

"Actually, you would. I won't." I stated searching for my phone again.

"And why's that?"

"Cause I have to go to the doctor's. Or worse, the hospital." I said searching through my contacts on my phone, looking for Uncle Mason, or as you still might know him as, Principle Peterson.

With his rough hands he grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards him, "What's wrong? Are you feeling sick? Did something happen?-" He kept blabbing away worried, but I cover my palms over his still moving mouth. He looked at me full of concern.

"It's not me! Calm down," I whispered.

He frowned, an eyebrow raising, "Then who?"


"What happened to Mr Johns-James?"

"Dad claims he has lung cancer, and well he coughing out blood and all, so I was wondering if you could just quickly drive us to the hospital or doctor's," I said burring my head into his shoulders.

"Baby girl, you don't even have to ask," he said in a soft tone. "Here, let's go. Where is he?"

I pointed up the stairs. He nodded and ran upstairs, "Get in the car, it's unlocked!" he yelled out.

Not caring that I haven't changed, I just grabbed my keys and cellphone, then climbed into his car. Flipping through the ring of keys I had, I found his car key that he gave me last week. Shoving in the key, I turned on the heat and waited. My dad will be fine. I swear. He will not leave me. I won't let him.

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