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Haters To Mates - Part 14

~Cam's Pov~

I glanced over at James, his situation wasn't getting any better. 3 months past, and the chemo isn't working well, and those cancer cells are taking over quicker than we thought was even possible. Watching Jez cry outside of the doors hurt. It hurts to not be able to do anyhing when the person you love cries. I tried to calm her down. I tried. Everything. Food. Whatever she needed. She just kept crying. Also graduation is coming up and she doesn't seem to be giving a damn.

She went to school during the day, and at night I'd drive her here to the hospital, and she'll talk to her dad.

"J, c'mon we have to go. Let's eat, do homework, and we'll come back," I whispered tapping her back lightly.

She shook her head, "The doctor said he may leave anytime, and I want to be here for his last words."

Another piece of me was crushed.

"I'll go to the car to get your things, and I'll go buy food, you stay here, got it?"

She nodded in agreement and went off to join her dad.

You know, you should start finding a way to make her happy again. my wolf said to me.

Like you know anything. I said back.

Oh c'mon she's our mate, how could I not know.

Uh because you don't actually care about her, all you want is the power you would get by mating with her. All you want is one bite.

Not True! It protested.

Right, so if you saw her neck area exposed, you wouldn't want to just mark her.


And I'm just going to believe that.

Well, think bout it, if we mark her, then she'll be protected against all those out there.

Yeah, but this isn't the right time.


I cut my wolf off. God it's hard to win.

Homework. Right. I fished my car keys out of my back jeans pocket and unlocked the car. Now, where did she leave her backpack? I strolled to the back of the car. Climbing in, I took out my phone as a light so I can see. It was dark okay, and well without shifting to be a wolf, my eyesight actually isnt that good.

Aha. Found it. I flung the bag over one arm, got out and locked the car. *beep*


Wait what was that. Oh yeah, my phone. Aha. That girl recorded her voice and put it in.

"Hello?" I said finally managing to pick up the phone.

"..Oh..my...god..Cam..He's..Dying...Get..Over..Here.." Jez said panicking, while trying to take deep breaths.


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