~*~3 Continued~*~

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Haters To Mates - Part 3 Continued





Being the son of an alpha, makes life all too difficult. It's because of what I'm about to be, that's why Kayla keeps trying to get close to me. So she can rule. But who says I would mate with her. The fact I have found my actually mate. Its means I would never mate with Kayla. Anyways she's an evil bitch. I wonder if Jez will meet me here. I looked up and kept hoping for her to come in. Wait. The door is opening. A sigh let my throat and she walked in the doors. I waved at her, and she slwoly walked over.

"Hey." I said to her smiling.

"Hey? Okay tell me what you want and I have to leave" Jez said as she stared out the windows.

"Um...sit down. I just wanted to have a few words with you."

She stared at me in disbelief forcing herself to sit down.

"Okay...I'm down. Now what." She said looking impatient. "Anyways just say what you and to then imma leave. I got lunch to eat and classes to attend and home to go. I don't have forever."

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked unsure.

"You just did."

I chuckled to myself. Of course I did.

"Do you remember me?"

"You made my childhood a freaking living hell, what do you think?" she asked glaring at me.

"I' really sorry. It's just it was so easy to tease you. And you were that cute little girl who always worse pig tai-" I stopped finding her glares making me more uncomfortabe.

"Cute? Didn't you think I was that friggin' book worm?"

"Hell I wish. Then maybe I would've actually never bothered with teasing." I said guilt filling up.

Her jaws dropped, "Y-ou th-ought-"

"Did you know we are mates?" I said quicky to avoid whatever was coming next.

"It's bad news, but yes."

Bad news. She thinks of it as bad news. Of course she does. You pained, her back then. You ruined her childhood. What do you think? She would be glad you're we're her mate? Yeah right.

"When did you figure that out?" I asked my heart still on the edge of tearing to shreds.

"Uh when you slammed right into me that day?"


"Yes. Oh... anything else?"

My heart tore. Could she possibly not care at all that we were mates? Well at least I think tonight's so called date was still on. I think.

"Uh, I'll pick you up at 7?"

She pointed to her phone. "Got it."

She turned around and headed off. "I honestly don't know how he puts up with my attitude." I heard her mutter. To be honest I don't know how I put up with her attitude. Maybe for the sake of love?



20 minutes, I've got 20 minutes left before he's coming. What should I wear! Okay. No. That just makes me sound like one of those girls who's like crazy bout boys. I blame Cam. I blame the were' in me/him.

--15 minutes later--

-ding- Doorbell. Arg. Is he here already? I walked over to the door slowly, but found him already inside.

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